Developer DocumentationCustom Identity ConfirmationAttendee Identification Service (REST)

The Attendee Identification Service allows you to retrieve invitee information during registration. Use it to get an invitee’s registration type or pre-populate their information into your event and Cvent address book. This retrieval occurs when an invitee passes through the Identity Confirmation widget or lands on the first registration page via an invitation email.


Attendee Identification Service functions as an optional feature. Contact your account manager to activate it.

Configure Your Cvent Account

To get started, you’ll create a contact hook. The contact hook establishes where Cvent queries for contact information when someone registers. You’ll create a contact hook via the Cvent REST API. and populate the following details:

  • Callback URI: A URI you control where Cvent can make REST API requests to retrieve registrant details.
  • Name: Helps planners identify the hook in your account.
  • Security: Choose API Key or HTTP Basic Authentication for calls made to your URI.
Accounts support only one contact hook.

The contact hook establishes where Cvent queries for contact information when someone registers.

Configure Your Response

When a callback occurs to your URI, Cvent sends a REST API request with the registrant’s known details.

For example:

  "transactionId": "04ca6ae2-0dc3-487b-953e-86d6abbdf7d3",
  "data": [
      "id": "67659D1A-B09D-498A-B625-29D5F757F022",
      "name": "First Name",
      "maximumLength": 50,
      "type": "String",
      "value": [
   {  "id": "2FFEF048-9F16-4701-89F1-8F5C5DE38DA5",
      "name": "Last Name",
      "maximumLength": 50,
      "type": "String",
      "value": [
      "id": "0852644F-265F-4D94-83A4-05C8479B5599",
      "name": "Email Address",
      "maximumLength": 80,
      "type": "String",
      "value": [
      "id": "62F6B259-9FE4-4E64-9386-77BE05E90C4D",
      "name": "Company",
      "maximumLength": 100,
      "type": "String",
      "value": [
      "id": "BDAF9AD5-B6F8-4036-9D85-AA48D3AF34A6",
      "name": "Title",
      "maximumLength": 100,
      "type": "String",
      "value": [

You’ll read the JSON message and identify the person in your database. Cvent recommends using email as a unique identifier. You’ll send a response as described in the API. Each field you send needs an ID, name, maximum length, type, and value. Cvent uses ID, name, maximum length, and type to match the returned data to contact’s fields and stores the value.


The following table describes contact fields in Cvent.

Cvent FieldIdentifierMaximum LengthTypeNote
Email Address0852644F-265F-4D94-83A4-05C8479B559980String
First Name67659D1A-B09D-498A-B625-29D5F757F02250String
Last Name2FFEF048-9F16-4701-89F1-8F5C5DE38DA550String
CC Email AddressD5BD2DF0-2E6C-4457-A608-026F71E0328780String
Contact Group MembershipA21EF4CD-AF98-4E4A-A587-9B62931254BFMultichoicePass choices as an array
Contact TypeB604F766-DD37-4721-AAF2-07279B920DCB50SingleChoice
Date of Birth159B543C-ABC6-441B-82CD-9B8389CBE4A10DateTimeISO 8601 zoned date time
Email Address DomainC764FB48-A62B-4C5F-B98F-01B5DAE2C2FF80String
Facebook URLB2FDB7AF-CB94-478F-A0C5-B5AC5E1B30BC300String
Gender3FCD6EB0-0B44-4B99-9F37-E42510AB30A610SingleChoiceOne of: Male, Female, Non-binary, Rather not say
Home Address 12476C39C-1BC0-4DBA-A239-09F94158855A40String
Home Address 2FB5551B3-2CF2-4A53-A2CC-D903EE56975940String
Home Address 39FB6F1AD-CBC1-495D-AEE1-9080B7A2705B40String
Home Country0472E18A-4336-4CAF-AA65-16164F801CA150String
Home Country CodeBA9E44E3-6EB6-4889-BDF7-1DD6267B44C73String
Home City557DA6C2-96C4-433C-8868-9C3DCE046C6A40String
Home StateD575DD64-64CD-49D7-A442-16F3AE5AC89550String
Home State Code550EF104-DD51-47A9-9B96-ADDC16BBF3882String
Home ZIP/Postal CodeCEA2981E-A0C1-4883-B9A5-3EAE4C8B110325String
Home Phone7874C5F8-4348-4DB4-9175-BDE57054C93B30String
Home FaxCDD26BEC-EAD5-4AFD-81EA-16F44680C17E30String
LinkedIn URL6176F57E-8E3E-4051-AF0D-FEFB93B43F5A300String
Middle Name7F843872-5127-4D26-9A49-D4DCA2611D2130String
Mobile Phone7A6C3CBF-5801-44DA-8BA3-3BEE1A414F5A30String
National Identification Number204EF34C-E719-4B99-A435-F7929291C3B9String
Passport Country01B00A3A-3851-4AC9-BEFF-9875AA0972A53StringISO 3166 standard (some exceptions)
Primary Address 1D7032241-6296-4B23-BDD3-6C2B6C49D7AC40String
Primary Address 2FA6CDB38-34D1-4B26-BF8B-67A1A2BD31D040String
Primary Address 34288F340-1905-4257-924F-D229C05D0BA040String
Primary City7C25F0BA-9B93-4A14-B1BA-0339F3450D2F40String
Primary State5070A808-8BFB-44A6-AE82-3F8E151CE84B50String
Primary State Code65E4AD9A-8FA3-4787-AE55-C79E9F7E62612String
Primary CountryE9CD5390-9B9C-4D51-B549-B5B7A9273EDB50String
Primary Country Code2AF54FCE-D847-4EC5-89FC-0CEEA6DEAC002StringISO 3166 standard (some exceptions)
Primary ZIP/Postal Code99441B7A-B6A8-4753-8E8E-2591819538C525String
Pager NumberCCD72D71-D0D8-41CD-904B-171F6FEFE51E30String
Passport Number6741A5F5-564C-4A9E-9C4F-0941C33B64E4300String
Social Security Number9B2DCA91-E576-4896-BD05-2B648C700EF0300String
Total Credits AwardedF286F73C-AFAB-417E-BC96-448D26147E810Decimal
Twitter URL6991250B-BD94-472C-87BE-9327EAC5B4E0300String
Work Address 146CBE8EF-BB67-419F-AAA4-91B7A00965C340String
Work Address 2B9475E9D-6CFD-4331-A294-7A0B2E89547B40String
Work Address 3A48434E0-D77C-43A1-88FB-E1B2DE6B207A40String
Work CityFCB77F4F-48C0-4491-A4CC-637318CC205640String
Work State9E67987A-8342-412B-9894-B9E54876DEDC
Work State Code7A998078-39C3-46CC-BA83-5271AE19ABDD2String
Work CountryC19021EA-A153-456E-B925-61DFE791979550String
Work Country Code53509C39-0B9A-4093-B4AF-14D8B948D9412String
Work ZIP/Postal Code6749B2E3-DB97-437D-AA47-5E8F4967127325String
Work FaxEF291B8E-3944-46A6-B227-32FD3FB9084A30String
Work Phone9EA3A89D-AFD7-4277-9877-25A1D2FFFD0430String
Source IDA0ED79F6-67D0-4FA4-AC57-AB26BFA5835D30String
Account Stub00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000000String
Event Stub00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000000String

Optionally, you can pass custom contact fields. Supply ID, name, maximumLength, type, and value. You can retrieve your custom contact field ID and type via Cvent’s REST API.

Adding Attendee Identification Service to Your Event

Navigate to your event. In the left-hand navigation, select Registration and Registration Process. Click Open Site Designer.

Opening site designer.

In the top-left corner, open the Registration Page dropdown. Find the registration path you’d like to enable Attendee Identification Service for and click the blue settings cog Settings Cog.

Opening registration path settings by clicking the cog.

Scroll down to the External Data Source section and select to retrieve information from an Attendee Identification Service. You’ll see the name of your contact hook populate here.

selecting attendee identification service

Enable Autofill the registrant’s information if they arrive from a public weblink.

Turning on Autofill from public weblink setting.

Optionally, repeat these steps on each registration path where Attendee Identification Service should occur.

Once finished, click Publish.


Test your event to make sure Cvent receives data for a contact.

  • If you re-use the same test contact or test many times, make sure to edit the contact’s profile and remove all their field data except name and email.


Can The Integration Pass a Blank Value to a Field?

If you pass a blank value to a field, it won’t overwrite the contact’s current value in the address book.

Can You Use The Legacy Custom Identity Confirmation System at the Same Time as This Feature?

Yes. The two systems use different architectures and have no interaction.

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