The Cvent Salesforce App offers a seamless integration for sales and marketing teams, allowing them to access crucial information about attendee interactions in both digital and physical events.
This article covers the process of enabling and configuring Sync Attendee Activities feature in the Cvent Salesforce App. It provides step-by-step instructions on how to enable the feature, configure attendee activities sync, and view attendee activities data. Additionally, it explains how to add attendee activities-related lists to Salesforce contacts, leads, and person account layouts. The guide also covers the automatic task creation process, activity definitions, and the use of external attendee activities.
Attendee Activities
Cvent Salesforce App provides your sales and marketing teams with access to information about digital and physical attendee interactions throughout the lifecycle of your event.
This includes:
- Session enrollments and participation
- Speaker document download
- Appointment statuses
- Exhibitor booth scans using LeadCapture
- Interactions with Exhibitor
- Feedback submissions
- Email delivery status and click tracking
- Attendee Hub Login
- Urchin Tracking Module (UTM) Parameters
- External Activities
- Event Ads
Turn on Sync Attendee Activities
To sync detailed attendee activities data recorded during an event, you’ll need to enable the feature in the Cvent Salesforce App.
- Log in to Salesforce and navigate to Setup > Visualforce Pages and click the Preview button for App Configuration Page. Enable the “Sync Attendee Activities” feature toggle. Note that you need to authorize the Salesforce Metadata API to use this feature.
Once you turn off the feature, you can no longer sync new activity data. The existing activity data remains unaffected in Salesforce.
Configure Attendee Activities Sync
Once you enable the feature, attendee activities data can sync from Cvent as part of attendee data sync workflows. Ensure that you enable attendee activities data sync in your Cvent event. Refer to Attendee Activities Sync.
Attendee activities data can potentially increase the time taken during the attendee sync, so use it mindfully.
- Go to Cvent Admin to enable automatic activity data retrieving with attendee syncs (if required).

- When syncing attendee data from a past date, you can choose to either sync just attendees, or sync attendee activities as well.

- Additionally, you get the ability to include attendee activity data on every manual sync.
Viewing Attendee Activities Data
You can track attendee activities within a dedicated tab of the Cvent App.

The Cvent Event and Attendee pages also display the Attendee Activities.

If you don’t see the Attendee Activities related list on the event or attendee pages, manually add them to the page layout.
Additionally, you can change an existing contact, lead, and person account layout to display the attendee activities-related list. To do this:
- Go to Setup > Object Manager > select the object > Page Layouts and select the desired layout to customize.
- Enable the Attendee Activities related list by dragging it from the top section to the page layout to the bottom.
- Remove the standard New and Change Owner buttons. Users can’t create attendee activity records manually.

Once the Attendee Activities related list appears on a Salesforce contact page, you can view all activities across all events in which this contact participated.

Clicking on the Attendee Activity Number shows more details about the activity. These details include information based on specific activity type.
For example, Submitted event feedback or Submitted session feedback activities show the survey questions and responses. Similarly, the Qualified by LeadCapture activity includes the exhibitor booth details where the lead scanning occurred and the qualification survey details.

Update Campaign Members for Session-Campaigns
You can configure a mapping between attendee activity types and campaign member statuses. This mapping guides every activity data sync to create/update campaign members for session campaigns and keep them in the corresponding statuses. Refer to session campaigns for more details about session status mappings and session campaigns.
Attendee activities in the following types contribute to campaign members’ creation/update flow:
- Added to session wait list
- Registered for session
- Cancelled registration for a session
- Checked in to a session
- Submitted session feedback
Automatic Task Creation
You can set up conditions for automatic task creation, triggered by attendee activities. You’ll select Cvent Attendee Activity as a trigger during task configuration creation. See Tasks and Opportunities for more details on automatic task creation.
Activity Definitions
Activity Name | Activity Type | Description |
Registered for event | event.registered | Attendee has registered for an event. |
Canceled registration for event | event.registrationCancelled | Attendee has canceled the registration for an event. |
Checked in to an event | event.checkedIn | Attendee checked in to an event. |
Marked as no-show for event | event.noShow | Attendee has not participated in the event. |
Added to event waitlist | event.waitlisted | Attendee has been added to the event waitlist. |
Checked out of event | event.checkedOut | Attendee checked out from an event. |
Tracked event website page visit | event.pageVisitTracked | Attendee visited and registered for event from Cvent website using a URL with UTM parameters. |
Registration substituted for event | event.attendeeSubstituted | Attendee substituted in an event. |
Played video | event.videoPlayed | Attendee viewed a video on the event website. |
Visited Attendee Hub | event.attendeeHubVisited | Attendee clicked on the option to visit Attendee Hub from the event website. |
Invitee abandons registration | event.registrationAbandoned | Attendee abandoned the registration for an event. |
Submitted event feedback | event.feedbackSubmitted | Attendee has submitted the feedback survey for an event. |
Opened custom card | event.customCardOpened | Attendee opened a custom card during an event. |
External activity for event | event.external | Attendee engaged in an external activity related to an event. |
Registered for session | session.enrolled | Attendee has enrolled for a session. |
Canceled registration for session | session.unenrolled | Attendee has canceled the enrollment for a session. |
Checked in to session | session.checkedIn | Attendee checked in to a session. |
Marked as no-show for session | session.noShow | Attendee has not participated in the session. |
Added to session waitlist | session.waitlisted | Attendee has been added to a session waitlist. |
Checked out of session | session.checkedOut | Attendee checked out from a session. |
Submitted session feedback | session.feedbackSubmitted | Attendee has submitted the feedback survey for a session. |
Upvoted a question | session.questionUpvoted | Attendee upvoted a question during a session. |
Asked a question | session.questionAsked | Attendee asked a question during a session. |
External activity for session | session.external | Attendee engaged in an external activity related to a session. |
Submitted a poll response | session.pollResponseSubmitted | Attendee submitted a response to a poll during a session. |
Created appointment | appointment.created | Attendee has created an appointment, or an appointment has been created for the attendee. |
Accepted appointment | appointment.accepted | Attendee accepted an appointment invitation. |
Canceled appointment | appointment.cancelled | Attendee canceled an appointment. |
Checked in to appointment | appointment.checkedIn | Attendee checked-in for their existing appointment. |
Declined appointment | appointment.declined | Attendee declined an appointment invitation. |
Appointment denied | appointment.denied | An appointment was denied. |
Rescheduled appointment | appointment.rescheduled | An appointment in the attendee calendar was rescheduled. |
External activity for appointment | appointment.external | Attendee engaged in an external activity related to an appointment. |
Viewed exhibitor details | exhibitor.viewed | Attendee has viewed the exhibitor details. |
Opened exhibitor social link | exhibitor.socialLinkOpened | Attendee has clicked on the Social link for an exhibitor. |
Opened exhibitor document | exhibitor.documentOpened | Attendee has opened the Exhibitor Document. |
Opened exhibitor weblink | exhibitor.weblinkOpened | Attendee has clicked on the Web link for an exhibitor. |
Joined exhibitor virtual booth | exhibitor.virtualBoothJoined | Attendee has joined the virtual booth with an exhibitor. |
External activity for exhibitor | exhibitor.external | Attendee engaged in an external activity related to an exhibitor. |
Clicked link in invitation email | email.clicked | Attendee clicked on a link in the invitation email. |
Email to attendee opened | email.opened | Attendee opened an email. |
Email sent to attendee | email.sent | Email is sent to attendee. |
Email to attendee undeliverable | email.undelivered | The invitation email to the attendee was marked undeliverable by the recipients’ system. |
Email to attendee bounced | email.bounced | The invitation email to the attendee bounced. |
Qualified in LeadCapture | lead.qualified | A lead qualification survey was submitted by the exhibitor booth staff for this attendee. |
Scanned by LeadCapture | lead.scanned | Attendee scanned as a new lead using LeadCapture. |
Inbound lead created | lead.inboundCreated | The inbound lead was created from the Attendee Hub exhibitor page. |
Submitted speaker feedback | speaker.feedbackSubmitted | Attendee has submitted the feedback survey for a speaker. |
Downloaded speaker document | speaker.fileDownloaded | Attendee downloaded a file provided by a speaker. |
External Attendee Activities
Besides the standardized activity definitions listed above, you can create your own. These custom definitions define external activities. Cvent planners can set up external activities for events, sessions, appointments and exhibitors.
External attendee activities sync to Salesforce like other activity types. The “Type” field in Salesforce stores the planner-given activity name.
External attendee activity types remain unavailable in the type picker for opportunity configuration because, unlike standard activities mentioned in the preceding text, standardized names don’t exist for each activity. The planner can create a custom name for each activity type within Cvent. If using external activities for process automation (for example, creating tasks, opportunities, etc.), please use Salesforce Flows or Process Builder.