
This article provides a step-by-step guide on managing event campaigns by linking Cvent events with Salesforce campaigns. By doing so, event attendees automatically join campaigns when they reach a specified status. The article outlines how to link events to campaigns, map attendee statuses, unlink events from campaigns, and invite campaign members in bulk or automatically. Additionally, it explains the order of priority for assigning attendee statuses to campaign members and provides important notes and tips for each step of the process.

Event Campaigns

You can link your Cvent events with Salesforce campaigns and automatically add event attendees to your campaigns. Specify the exact mapping between the attendee statuses and campaign member statuses and watch attendees flow directly into your campaign when they reach a specified status.

Linking an Event to a Campaign

To set up the campaign and event linking, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to the Campaign page > Linked Cvent Events tab.
    • In Salesforce Classic, click the Link Cvent Events button.
    • If you don’t see the Linked Cvent Events tab in your Campaign, make sure you’re viewing the campaign within the Cvent App in Salesforce.
  2. Map the attendee statuses.
    • If you don’t see this section, the campaign could already be linked to a session. You’ll need to first unlink the campaign from a session before it can be linked to an event.
    • If you see attendee status selection grayed out, “Make campaign member status mappings read-only” has been enabled by Cvent Admin.
    • Instead of mapping attendee statuses manually, you can use “Restore Defaults” button to replicate the configuration made by Cvent Admin. This option is available even in case of read-only status mapping.
  3. Link the Cvent event to the campaign.
  4. Select an event and click Link button on the pop up. The campaign member statuses will get updated based on the status of existing event attendees.
  5. From this point, any future attendee status data update triggers the campaign member status update.


  1. Changing the status mappings doesn’t update campaign member status for existing attendees.
    • If you want to update the campaign member statuses based on existing attendees, unlink the event and link it back.
  2. If multiple events are linked to the same campaign and the same contact/lead is part of both the events, then the campaign member status is updated based on the latest attendee’s status update.
  3. The campaign member update process is triggered when the attendee status or mapped attendee field gets updated. This can happen during the invitation, registration and nomination workflows. Hence, the user who triggers these flows should have read access to Campaign object.
picture of configuration in Salesforce

Attendee Statuses

An attendee can have multiple statuses, but a campaign member can have a single status only. Hence, status assignment follows this order of priority (1 as the highest priority):

  1. Attended: Attended = True,
  2. No Show: Attended = False,
  3. Rest of the Attendee statuses — Registration, Invitation, Nomination related statuses.

Note: no show status applies only to Campaign Member statuses. Within Cvent, you may configure a setting to trigger anyone not marked as attended to no show after a specified number of days from the event close date. To configure this in Cvent, navigate to your event > Integrations > click Customize button on the Salesforce App tile > Sync Settings and configure the Participant Status Sync.

Unlinking an Event from the Campaign

To remove a linked event:

  1. Go to the Campaign page > Linked Cvent Events tab > Link Cvent Events section.
  2. Select the event and click the Unlink button on top of the events list.
  3. This unlinks the event.


  1. Unlinking an event from the campaign won’t update the existing campaign member statuses.
  2. If the user doesn’t have access to a linked event (based on Event Filtering configuration), then this user can’t unlink the event.
picture of configuration in Salesforce

Inviting Campaign Members

The following sections describe inviting campaign members.

Invite Campaign Members in Bulk

You can now prepare your invitation lists in the Salesforce Campaign and then send them to Cvent in bulk.

  1. Go to Campaign page > Send Invitation tab and specify the filtering criteria based on Campaign member, contact or lead fields.
    • In Salesforce Classic, click the Send Invitation button.
  2. Click Apply Filter to view the list of Campaign members satisfying the criteria.
  3. Click the Invite button and specify details to complete the invitation workflow.

Note: the system sends the invitation request to Cvent with data for all fields configured in the Field Mappings tab. The next attendee data sync updates the attendee status in Salesforce.

picture of configuration in Salesforce

Invite Campaign Members Automatically

You can automatically add new campaign members to the event invitation list or send them an invitation email.

  1. Go to Campaign page > Automated Invitation tab.
    • In Salesforce Classic, click the Automated Invitation button.
  2. Choose if you want new campaign members to be invited to, or added to an invitation list of an event automatically.
    • You can change feature state at any time in the future.
  3. Select the event you want to invite new campaign members to.
    • Event should first be linked to the campaign to be displayed in the table. Refresh the page if you linked the event, but it’s still not being displayed.
    • Some of the events can’t be selected because of either inappropriate status or nomination requirement.
  4. Select which campaign member status(es) should trigger an auto-invitation. - Only newly added campaign members in the selected status(es) will be invited. Campaign member status updates will not trigger automated invitations.


Automated invitation won’t trigger if the Cvent app itself adds a campaign member during status mapping application. Only campaign members added by users or other integrations receive consideration. Automated invitation doesn’t require any Cvent App permission sets for the user who adds a new campaign member. Yet, this user should access the Salesforce contact or lead fields used in fields mapping configuration.

picture of configuration in Salesforce
Last updated on