Welcome to the guide for enabling the Cvent event and standalone survey data integration feature in the Cvent Salesforce App. This premium-only feature allows you to consume data from Cvent events and surveys, providing you with valuable insights.
Enabling the Feature
If you want to consume the data from Cvent event and standalone surveys, you need to first enable this feature in the App.
This is a Premium-only feature. Contact your Cvent representative to upgrade to the Premium license if you need this feature.
To enable the feature, go to Setup > Visualforce Pages > App Configuration Page and click the Preview button. In the Cvent App Configuration section, toggle Enable Survey Integration to blue. You’ll also need to Authorize Metadata API if you haven’t done it yet.
Once the feature is turned off, the respondent data sync is turned off and existing survey programs will be deactivated.you can no longer nominate for events.
If you upgrade your existing Salesforce App license from Data or Standard to Premium, then update the license information in the Salesforce App. To do so, just open the Cvent Admin panel. The App automatically requests active connection details. This request automatically updates your license information.