Developer DocumentationCvent Salesforce AppUnderstanding Attendee and Event Statuses


This guide provides a comprehensive overview of event and attendee statuses in the Cvent application, outlining the various statuses that impact an attendee’s eligibility to be nominated, invited, or registered for an event. The article covers event statuses, attendee statuses, attendance, feature availability based on event and attendee status, and features triggered by attendee status changes. Additionally, the guide discusses contact obfuscation and its impact on respondent/attendee records in the Cvent Salesforce app.

Event Statuses

Event Status field defines an event’s status. The Cvent application provides this information. The available event statuses appear below.

Event StatusDescription
PendingThe event registration has not been launched yet.
ActiveEvent has been launched. The registration and event website is open.
ClosedRegistration has reached capacity or the deadline has passed. Hence, the event registration is closed, but the event website is still open.
CompletedThe event end date has passed. The website remains open but registration is closed.
CancelledThe event has been cancelled and the website is closed.
DeletedThe event record is deleted in Cvent account.
No Registration RequiredThe event does not require registrations.

Attendee Statuses

The Attendee Status field defines an attendee’s status in the event. Cvent assigns some statuses, while Salesforce assigns others.

App workflows assign the following attendee statuses:

Attendee StatusDescription
Nomination PendingThis status is assigned when an attendee is nominated but the nomination request has not been completed yet.
Nomination ApprovedThis status is assigned when the nomination request is approved by approvers at all levels. This marks the request as complete.
Nomination DeniedThis status is assigned when the nomination request is denied by at least one approver. This marks the request as complete.
Invitation PendingThis status is assigned when an invitation request has been sent from Salesforce to Cvent. This status gets overwritten with the updated status when the attendee record is synced from Cvent.
Invitation Not SentThis status is assigned when an invitation request is submitted but is not valid (potentially due to some missing required field value for a Cvent contact, like email). This status gets overwritten with the updated status when the attendee record is synced from Cvent.
Registration PendingThis status is assigned when the register button is clicked to open the Cvent registration form. The status gets overwritten with the updated status when the attendee record is synced from Cvent.
Nomination CancelledThis status is assigned when the nomination request is cancelled by the Requester or a Cvent Admin. This marks the request as complete.
SubstitutedThis status is assigned during the data sync when a registrant was substituted in Cvent. This status gets overwritten with the updated status in case of the same person is invited or registered to the same event again.

The following attendee statuses update when attendee data syncs from Cvent. The image below explains these statuses.

picture of attendee flow

Attendance indicates whether an attendee participated in the event. The three possibilities appear below.

YesAttendee attended the event and hence was marked as Participant = True, in Cvent
NoAttendee is a no-show for the event, hence marked as Participant = False, in Cvent
BlankThe attendance data has not been updated yet based on the event configuration in Cvent.

Salesforce stores the following participation results, depending on the attendee’s participation status in Cvent and the event’s status.

Invitee Registration StatusEvent Registration StatusInvitee Participation StatusResult in Salesforce
Invited, Visited, Declined, Cancelled, Waitlisted, Pending Approval, Denied ApprovalActive, CompleteNo(blank)


Cvent has a No Show status that you can configure for Campaign Member Statuses. You can find more details under the Attendee Statuses section of Manage Event Campaigns.

Feature Availability Based On Event and Attendee Status

The tables below explain the availability of App features based on attendee and event status.

    • implies the feature is available
  • – implies the feature is not available

Based on Event Status

Event StatusInvitationRegistrationModify/CancelNomination
No Registration Required----

Based on Attendee Status

Attendee StatusInvitationRegistrationModify/CancelNomination
Denied Approval----
Invitation Not Sent++--
Invitation Pending++--
No Response++--
Nomination Approved++--
Nomination Denied---+
Nomination Cancelled---+
Pending Approval--+-
Nomination Pending----
Registration Pending----

Features Triggered by Attendee Status

Attendee status changes can automatically trigger workflows like

  • Salesforce Task creation
  • Salesforce Opportunity creation
  • Creating campaign members and updating member status

Contact Obfuscation

When you obfuscate contacts in your Cvent account (typically due to a GDPR request), the system also deletes their respondent/attendee records in the Cvent Salesforce App. This action ensures compliance with the person’s rights under GDPR.

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