Response List
Returns a list of responses from suppliers on an RFP.
Supported Methods
GET. Returns the responses for the specified rfpId
Request GET<rfpId>
There’s an optional responseDataType parameter that will filter the data returned to the specified data type. If responseDataType is not specified, the full response object for every supplier will be returned. Options for responseDataType are AGENDA_ITEMS, PROPOSAL_DATES, ATTACHMENTS, EVENT_SPACES, ESTIMATED_COSTS, PACKAGES, SLEEPING_ROOMS, ADDITIONAL_QUESTIONS, ADDITIONAL_FEES<rfpId>/<responseDataType>
Response Codes
Code | Response |
200 | Request completed successfully |
403 | A user without the required permissions has attempted to access the RFP |
404 | An RFP with the specified rfpId or supplierId was not found |
422 | No RFP IDs were included in the URL, or the IDs that were included were invalid |
Response Body Type
Response Body Schema
Response (Individual Supplier)
Returns the details of a response for an individual supplier on an RFP.
Supported Methods
GET. Returns the response that matches the specified rfpId
and supplierId
Request GET<rfpId>/supplier/<supplierId>
Response Codes
Code | Response |
200 | Request completed successfully |
403 | A user without the required permissions has attempted to create a proposal for the RFP and Supplier ID combination |
404 | An RFP with the specified rfpId or supplierId wasn’t found |
Response Body Type
Response Body Schema
Estimated Costs
Returns the details of estimated costs provided by an individual supplier on an RFP in their proposal.
Supported Methods
GET. Returns the estimated costs that match the specified rfpId
and supplierId
Request GET<rfpId>/supplier/<supplierId>/estimatedCosts
Response Codes
Code | Response |
200 | Request completed successfully |
403 | A user without the required permissions has attempted to access the RFP and Supplier ID combination |
404 | An RFP with the specified rfpId or supplierId was not found |
Response Body Type
Response Body Schema
Sleeping Rooms
Returns the sleeping room availability provided by an individual supplier on an RFP in their proposal. One room block for each date option the supplier has bid on is returned in this object.
Supported Methods
GET. Returns the sleeping rooms that match the specified rfpId
and supplierId
Request GET<rfpId>/supplier/<supplierId>/sleepingRooms
Response Codes
Code | Response |
200 | Request completed successfully |
403 | A user without the required permissions has attempted to access the RFP and Supplier ID combination |
404 | An RFP with the specified rfpId or supplierId was not found |
Response Body Type
Response Body Schema
Proposal Dates
Returns the list of dates a supplier is bidding on for their proposal to an RFP.
Supported Methods
GET. Returns the proposal dates that match the specified rfpId
and supplierId
Request GET<rfpId>/supplier/<supplierId>/proposalDates
Response Codes
Code | Response |
200 | Request completed successfully |
403 | A user without the required permissions has attempted to access the RFP and Supplier ID combination |
404 | An RFP with the specified rfpId or supplierId wasn’t found |
Response Body Type
Response Body Schema
Agenda Items
Returns the availability of meeting space on a supplier’s proposal for agenda items described on planner’s RFP.
Supported Methods
GET. Returns the agenda items that match the specified rfpId
and supplierId
Request GET<rfpId>/supplier/<supplierId>/agendaItems
Response Codes
Code | Response |
200 | Request completed successfully |
403 | A user without the required permissions has attempted to access the RFP and Supplier ID combination |
404 | An RFP with the specified rfpId or supplierId was not found |
Response Body Type
Response Body Schema
Additional Fees
Returns any additional fees or taxes listed on a supplier’s proposal for an RFP.
Supported Methods
GET. Returns the additional fees that match the specified rfpId
and supplierId
Request GET<rfpId>/supplier/<supplierId>/additionalFees
Response Codes
Code | Response |
200 | Request completed successfully |
403 | A user without the required permissions has attempted to access the RFP and Supplier ID combination |
404 | An RFP with the specified rfpId or supplierId wasn’t found |
Response Body Type
Response Body Schema
Returns any meeting packages listed on a supplier’s proposal for an RFP.
Supported Methods
GET. Returns the packages that match the specified rfpId
and supplierId
Request GET<rfpId>/supplier/<supplierId>/packages
Response Codes
Code | Response |
200 | Request completed successfully |
403 | A user without the required permissions has attempted to access the RFP and Supplier ID combination |
404 | An RFP with the specified rfpId or supplierId was not found |
Response Body Type
Response Body Schema
Additional Questions
Returns the responses to a planner’s additional questions on a supplier’s proposal for an RFP.
Supported Methods
Returns the additional questions that match the specified rfpId
and supplierId
Request GET<rfpId>/supplier/<supplierId>/additionalQuestions
Response Codes
Code | Response |
200 | Request completed successfully |
403 | A user without the required permissions has attempted to access the RFP and Supplier ID combination |
404 | An RFP with the specified rfpId or supplierId wasn’t found |
Response Body Type
Response Body Schema
Event Spaces
Returns any event space listed on a supplier’s proposal as available for use with a planner’s agenda items for an RFP.
This object will only be populated if a convention center is responding to the RFP.
Supported Methods
GET. Returns the event spaces that match the specified rfpId
and supplierId
Request GET<rfpId>/supplier/<supplierId>/eventSpaces
Response Codes
Code | Response |
200 | Request completed successfully |
403 | A user without the required permissions has attempted to access the RFP and Supplier ID combination |
404 | An RFP with the specified rfpId or supplierId wasn’t found |
Response Body Type
Response Body Schema
Main Response describes the response to a planner’s RFP and the supplier who submitted the response. References to child objects are embedded within the message.
Supported Methods
GET. The response to a planner’s RFP and the supplier who submitted the response. References to child objects are embedded within the message.
GET Request
- All Attachments: response/v1/rfp/<rfpId>/supplier/<supplierId>/attachment/all
- Specific Attachment: response/v1/rfp/<rfpId>/supplier/<supplierId>/ attachment/<attachmentId>
Response Codes
Code | Response |
200 | Request completed successfully |
403 | A user without the required permissions has attempted to access the RFP and Supplier ID combination |
404 | An RFP with the specified rfpId or supplierId was not found |
Response Body Type
Response Body Schema