The Cvent Supplier Network (CSN) API requires authentication for each request. You can use API Key or OAuth 2.0 for this purpose.

OAuth 2.0 Authentication

For more information about obtaining permissions to use OAuth 2.0 authentication with your application, contact Cvent.

This section describes how to use OAuth 2.0 authentication with the CSN API.

Invite Your Developers

To use OAuth 2.0 authentication with CSN APIs, you’ll need to invite developers to Cvent’s Platform REST API. This section describes this process.

If you haven’t worked with CSN APIs, Cvent will create you a workspace with the CSN scopes enabled. Invite your developer, and grant them access to the created workspace.

screenshot of selecting CSN workspace

Creating an Application

Once invited to a workspace with the required scopes, developers can begin.

If you haven’t worked with CSN APIs developers will create an application. They’ll need to select CSN scopes, depending on what data they’d like to access.

If you already have an application, click Settings on the application and add the CSN scopes. Then click Save.

screenshot of selecting CSN scopes for an application

Once your application is created, you can use the provided client credentials to make authorization calls.

Making an OAuth 2.0 Authorization Request

To read more on making an OAuth 2.0 authorization request, see the developer documentation. On a successful authorization request, you’ll receive a token to begin making calls to the CSN APIs.

Working With CSN APIs

Refer to the sub pages under User Guide for Planners for details on CSN APIs and responses.

API Key Authentication

Use of API Key authentication is deprecated. Please use OAuth 2.0 going forward. For more those currently using API Key authentication, contact Cvent.

To use API Key Authentication, pass an Authorization header in every request you make to Cvent’s APIs. Each API requires its own API Key.

Authorization: api_key vz6wouDPmHWDpoKiP57fmVCxPXZw0KlM

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