The following section documents functionality enabled through the API and PNS specific to CVBs and CVB software providers. This functionality allows integrations, in addition to retrieving information about RFPs the CVB has directly received and the responses CVB has sent, to retrieve the details of RFPs and responses sent to and from venues the CVB represents (“represented venues”).
In Cvent, a “represented venue” is defined as a venue that shares the same Major Metropolitan Area (MMA) as the CVB.
These functions require an API Key that has CVB functionality enabled. For information about enabling CVB functionality on your API Key, please contact Cvent.
RFP Object: CVB Endpoint
A special endpoint that allows CVBs and CVB software providers to retrieve the list of represented venues and their response status on an RFP.
To retrieve the full details of a represented venue’s response, use the “/cvb endpoint” found in the Response Object.
Supported Methods
GET. Returns the CVB’s represented venues on the RFP that matches the specified rfpId
Request GET<rfpId>/cvb
Response Codes
Code | Response |
200 | Request completed successfully |
403 | An application without the required permissions has attempted to create a proposal for the RFP and Supplier ID combination |
404 | An RFP or supplier with the specified rfpId or supplierId was not found |
Response Body Type
Response Body Schema
RFP Object: CVB Endpoint
A special endpoint that allows CVBs and CVB software providers to retrieve the details of a response provided by a represented venue to an RFP.
Returns the list of integrated CVBs and the responses from represented venues, organized under each integrated CVB.
In order for a represented venue’s response to be able to be retrieved by a CVB or CVB software provider, the represented venue must give consent to sharing the proposal with the CVB by clicking “Allow CVBs in my metro area to view this proposal if they were copied on the RFP by the planner” and selecting the desired CVBs to share it with.
Supported Methods
GET. Returns the integrated CVBs and their represented venues’ response objects on the RFP for the specified rfpId
Request GET<rfpId>/cvb
Response Codes
Code | Response |
200 | Request completed successfully |
403 | An application without the required permissions has attempted to create a proposal for the RFP and Supplier ID combination |
404 | An RFP or supplier with the specified rfpId or supplierId was not found |
Response Body Type
Response Body Schema
Receive Push Notifications for Represented Venues
In addition to receiving notifications about RFPs and responses sent to and from a CVB, a CVB integration can also be configured to receive notifications when a “represented venue” receives an RFP or submits a response. The details of the RFPs and/or responses can then be retrieved using the CVB specific endpoints described above.
For information about configuring your push notification integration with this functionality, contact Cvent.