Proposal Basic Details Update
Updates basic details in the proposal linked to specified supplier and RFP
Request PUT
- Production URL –<rfpId>/supplier/<supplierId>/proposalDetails
Response Codes
Code | Response |
200 | Request completed successfully |
403 | A user without the required permissions has attempted to create a proposal for the RFP and Supplier ID combination |
404 | An RFP or supplier with the specified rfpId or supplierId was not found |
422 | There was an issue with proposal data passed to the API. For a list of scenarios where this response code can occur, see “Error 422 Causes” |
Request Body Type
Request Body Schema
- Response-Post/proposalBasicDetails.json
Request Body Example
- Response-Post/proposalBasicDetails.json
Response Example
Returns a message indicating additional question answers in proposal have been updated
"message":"Proposal successfully updated"
Error 422 Causes
A 422 error indicates that data submitted to Cvent did not pass validation checks. Causes for a validation check to fail are:
- Supplier suggested dates are present in porposal but not allowed in RFP
- Availability is required for all dates in the RFP, but the proposed options do not contain all the date range specified in the RFP.
- When some proposed option space fall in any one of the following scenarios:
- Availability is either null or NONE
- Start date is null
- End date is null
- End date is before the start date
- Duration of event exceeds 90 days
- End date is in the past
- Start date is in the past
- Availability is NOT_AVAILABLE and the date range is either PLANNER_PREFERRED or PLANNER_SUGGESTED
- Availability is not required in rfp
- The RFP has only one date, and the event dates are not flexible.
- Holding space is not provided
- Holding space is true but holdExpirationDate is not provided
- holdExpirationDate is same or after start date
- The RFP is of type Meeting Rooms only but room blocks are provided
- Availability is NOT_AVAILABLE but room blocks are provided
- Availability is NOT_AVAILABLE but availablePackages are provided
- Room blocks array contains multiple entries with same day number
- When some room block fall in any one of the following scenarios:
- Sleeping room type is not STAFF and only one of rate or quantity is provided
- Day number in room block is more than event duration
- When some package fall in any one of the following scenarios:
- Rate is not provided
- Rate is less than or equal to 0
- Day number in package is more than event duration
- RFP event start date is more than 90 days in the past
- The planner is not a third party planner but commission is present in proposal
- The commissions array size is greater than 5
Proposal Response Contact Update
Update a proposal Response contact object.
Updates a proposal response contact details for the specified supplier and RFP
Request PUT
- Production URL –<rfpId>/supplier/<supplierId>/proposalResponseContact
Response Codes
Code | Response |
200 | Request completed successfully |
403 | A user without the required permissions has attempted to create a proposal for the RFP and Supplier ID combination |
404 | An RFP or supplier with the specified rfpId or supplierId was not found |
422 | There was an issue with proposal contact data passed to the API. For a list of scenarios where this response code can occur, see “Error 422 Causes” |
Request Body Type
Request Body Schema
Request Body Example
Response Example
Returns a message indicating contact details in proposal have been updated
"message":"Proposal response contact successfully updated"
Error 422 Causes
A 422 error indicates that data submitted to Cvent did not pass validation checks. Causes for a validation check to fail are:
- No request body data is not specified when making the POST call to the /proposalResponseContact end-point
- Email address is not in valid format
- Organization name is not passed
- A proposal corresponding to the passed rfpId and supplierId does not exist
Proposal Sleeping Rooms Update
Updates sleeping rooms in the proposal linked to specified supplier and RFP
Request PUT
- Production URL –<rfpId>/supplier/<supplierId>/sleepingRooms/dateType/<dateType>
Response Codes
Code | Response |
200 | Request completed successfully |
403 | A user without the required permissions has attempted to create a proposal for the RFP and Supplier ID combination |
404 | An RFP or supplier with the specified rfpId or supplierId was not found |
422 | There was an issue with proposal sleeping rooms data passed to the API. For a list of scenarios where this response code can occur, see “Error 422 Causes” |
Request Body Type
Request Body Schema
- Response-Post/sleepingRoomsList.json
Request Body Example
- Response-Post/sleepingRoomsList.json
Response Example
Returns a message indicating additional question answers in proposal have been updated
"message":"Sleeping rooms are successfully updated"
Error 422 Causes
A 422 error indicates that data submitted to Cvent did not pass validation checks. Causes for a validation check to fail are:
- No request body data is not specified when making the POST call to the /commisions end-point
- A proposal corresponding to the passed rfpId and supplierId does not exist
- Rfp is for Meeting Rooms only
- Room blocks array contains multiple entries with same day number
- When some room block fall in any one of the following scenarios:
- Sleeping room type is not STAFF and only one of rate or quantity is provided
- Day number in room block is more than event duration
Proposal Agenda Item Update
Updates agenda items in the proposal linked to specified supplier and RFP
Request PUT
- Production URL –<rfpId>/supplier/<supplierId>/agendaItems
Response Codes
Code | Response |
200 | Request completed successfully |
403 | A user without the required permissions has attempted to create a proposal for the RFP and Supplier ID combination |
404 | An RFP or supplier with the specified rfpId or supplierId was not found |
422 | There was an issue with proposal agenda items data passed to the API. For a list of scenarios where this response code can occur, see “Error 422 Causes” |
Request Body Type
Request Body Schema
Request Body Example
Response Example
Returns a message indicating agenda items in proposal have been updated
"message":"Agenda items successfully updated"
Error 422 Causes
A 422 error indicates that data submitted to Cvent did not pass validation checks. Causes for a validation check to fail are:
- No request body data is not specified when making the POST call to the /agendaItems end-point
- A proposal corresponding to the passed rfpId and supplierId does not exist
- The supplier is a Convention center or Conference center type venue
- Agenda Items are not requested in the RFP
- Agenda ID in any agenda item is null
- Some agenda ID which is marked required in RFP is missing in proposalAgendaItems.
- Agenda item notes length is more than 300 characters.
- Duplicate Agenda IDs are present in the agenda item list
- Some pair of agenda ID and agenda name is not present in RFP agenda items.
- Any two agenda items have different room size units
- For Opted in agenda items i.e. isOptedOut = false
- Room name is not specified
- Room size is not specified
- Room size units are not specified
- For Opted out agenda items i.e. isOptedOut = true
- Room name is specified
- Room size is specified
- Ceiling height is specified
- Notes are not specified
Proposal Event Space Update
Updates event spaces in the proposal linked to specified supplier and RFP
Request PUT
- Production URL –<rfpId>/supplier/<supplierId>/eventSpaces
Response Codes
Code | Response |
200 | Request completed successfully |
403 | A user without the required permissions has attempted to create a proposal for the RFP and Supplier ID combination |
404 | An RFP or supplier with the specified rfpId or supplierId was not found |
422 | There was an issue with proposal event space data passed to the API. For a list of scenarios where this response code can occur, see “Error 422 Causes” |
Request Body Type
Request Body Schema
Request Body Example
Response Example
Returns a message indicating event spaces in proposal have been updated
"message":"Event space in proposal successfully updated"
Error 422 Causes
A 422 error indicates that data submitted to Cvent did not pass validation checks. Causes for a validation check to fail are:
- No request body data is not specified when making the POST call to the /eventSpaces end-point
- A proposal corresponding to the passed rfpId and supplierId does not exist
- The supplier is not a Convention center or Conference center type venue
- Event spaces are not requested in the RFP
- Agenda items are not provided but hasAgendaItems is true
- Agenda items are provided but hasAgendaItems is false
- Some Agenda item ID in event space is not present in RFP agenda items
- Event End date in event space is before event start date
- Only one of moveInDate or moveOutDate is null.
- Move out date in event space is before the move in date
Proposal Additional Question Answers Update
Updates additional question answers in the proposal linked to specified supplier and RFP
Request PUT
- All questions –<rfpId>/supplier/<supplierId>/additionalQuestions
- Specific Question –<rfpId>/supplier/<supplierId>/additionalQuestions/<additionalQuestionId>
Response Codes
Code | Response |
200 | Request completed successfully |
403 | A user without the required permissions has attempted to create a proposal for the RFP and Supplier ID combination |
404 | An RFP or supplier with the specified rfpId or supplierId was not found |
422 | There was an issue with proposal additional questions data passed to the API. For a list of scenarios where this response code can occur, see “Error 422 Causes” |
Request Body Type
Request Body Schema
- Response-Post/additionalQuestionAnswerList.json
- Response-Post/additionalQuestionAnswerUpdate.json
Request Body Example
- Response-Post/additionalQuestionAnswerList.json
- Response-Post/additionalQuestionAnswerUpdate.json
Response Example
Returns a message indicating additional question answers in proposal have been updated
"message":"Additional questions are successfully updated"
"message":"Additional question is successfully updated"
Error 422 Causes
A 422 error indicates that data submitted to Cvent did not pass validation checks. Causes for a validation check to fail are:
- No request body data is not specified when making the POST call to the /additionalQuestions end-point
- A proposal corresponding to the passed rfpId and supplierId does not exist
- No additional question is present in the rfp
- Question Id in the request does not match any of the rfp question id
- Multiple entries with the same question id exist
- Answers for required questions are not provided in the request. [Not applicable when updating single question answer]
- If the type of supplier does not fall in the supplier types mentioned in the rfp question
- For an OPEN_ENDED Comment additional question
- If min length is defined for question but the answer text length is less than min length
- If max length is defined for question but the answer text length is more than max length
- For an OPEN_ENDED Oneline additional question
- If min length is defined for question but the answer text length is less than min length
- If max length is defined for question but the answer text length is more than max length
- If the answer text does not match the answer format type defined in the question
- For an OPEN-ENDED Date only additional question
- If more than one answer is in the request for the same question
- If the date is not in format ‘YYYY-MM-DD’
- If the answer date is before the min date defined in the question
- If the answer date is after the max date defined in the question
- For an OPEN-ENDED DateTime additional question
- If more than one answer is in the request for the same question
- If the date time is not in format ‘YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss’
- If the answer date time is before the min date time defined in the question
- If the answer date time is after the max date time defined in the question
- For a single choice additional question
- If more than one answer is in the request for the same question
- If Other is not allowed in the question but it is being passed in the answer
- If ‘Other’ is selected and answer text corresponding to ‘Other’ choice is empty
- If Not Applicable is not allowed in the question but it is being passed in the answer
- If the answer text is not a valid choice in the question
- For a multi choice additional question
- If minimum selections is defined for question and the number of answers being passed is less than the minimum selections
- If maximum selections is defined for question and the number of answers being passed is more than the maximum selections
- If Other is not allowed in the question but it is being passed in the answer
- If ‘Other’ is selected and answer text corresponding to ‘Other’ choice is empty
- If Not Applicable is not allowed in the question but it is being passed in the answer
- If the answer text is not a valid choice in the question