Developer DocumentationLegacy APISOAP APIError Codes

Cvent’s SOAP API is being sunset. See REST API.

The following are the error codes you may receive and their type and message.

Error Codes

Error TypeCodeMessage
GenericCV10000Unknown exception
GenericCV10001Server exception – transaction cancelled
SecurityCV10100Account lockout
SecurityCV10101No access
SecurityCV10102Invalid login
SecurityCV10103Cannot be authenticated
SecurityCV10104Invalid Cvent header value
SecurityCV10105Session expired
SecurityCV10106Invalid IP
SecurityCV10107Unknown header value
SecurityCV10108API currently disabled
Invalid OperationsCV20001Malformed ID
Invalid OperationsCV20010Invalid search filter
Invalid OperationsCV20011Unknown search exception
Invalid OperationsCV20012Too many IDs returned
Invalid OperationsCV20013Invalid date range
Invalid OperationsCV20014Invalid date range
Invalid OperationsCV20015Invalid search operator
Invalid OperationsCV20016Invalid custom contact field ID or search filter format
Invalid OperationsCV20017Invalid custom event field ID or search filter format
Invalid OperationsCV20018No ID provided
Invalid OperationsCV20019Invalid user ID
Invalid OperationsCV20020Invalid respondent status
Invalid OperationsCV20021Too many IDs provided
Invalid OperationsCV20027The CopyEvent method is not supported Express or Flex event types
MetricCV30100Exceed API call limit
MetricCV30101Exceed create contact limit
MetricCV30102Exceed update contact limit
MetricCV30103Exceed delete contact limit
MetricCV30104Exceed check-in limit
MetricCV30105Exceed simple event registration limit
MetricCV30106Exceed transfer invitee limit
MetricCV30107Exceed manage contact group members limit
MetricCV30108Exceed create user limit
MetricCV30109Exceed update user limit
MetricCV30110Exceed delete user limit
MetricCV30111Exceed create no-registration event limit
MetricCV30112Exceed manage user group limit
MetricCV30117Exceed copy event limit
MetricCV30118Exceed survey answer import limit
MetricCV30119Exceed create RFP limit
MetricCV30120Exceed upsert contact limit
MetricCV30121Exceed validate invitee limit
MetricCV30122Exceed update approver limit
MetricCV30123Exceed invitee limit
ValidationCV40101Last Name is required to create a contact
ValidationCV40102Invalid format for email address
ValidationCV40103Duplicated Contact object – Key field(s) are not unique
ValidationCV40104Contact already exists
ValidationCV40105Contact Type Code not valid
ValidationCV40106Country Code for Home Address is not valid
ValidationCV40107State Code for Home Address is not valid
ValidationCV40108Country Code for Work Address is not valid
ValidationCV40109State Code for Work Address is not valid
ValidationCV40110ID is not valid
ValidationCV40111Contact Custom Field ID(s) is not valid
ValidationCV40112Contact Group ID(s) is not valid
ValidationCV40113ID is required
ValidationCV40114Last Name is required to update a contact
ValidationCV40115ID is required
ValidationCV40116Duplicated Custom Field Detail object - FieldId(s) are not unique
ValidationCV40117Duplicated Contact Group Detail object - GroupId(s) are not unique
ValidationCV40118Duplicate ID
ValidationCV40119Invalid format for cc email-address
ValidationCV40120Email is required to upsert a contact
ValidationCV40121FirstName is required to upsert a contact
ValidationCV40122LastName is required to upsert a contact
ValidationCV40123Invalid DOB
ValidationCV40124Email address does not exist in your account
ValidationCV50101Invalid ID
ValidationCV50102Duplicate ID
ValidationCV50103ID does not exist in this account
ValidationCV50104Invitee already exists
ValidationCV50105Invalid activity ID
ValidationCV50106Invalid activity type
ValidationCV50107Transaction ID already exists
ValidationCV50108Transaction ID not found for respondent
ValidationCV60101Invalid ID
ValidationCV60102Duplicate ID
ValidationCV70101Invalid ID
ValidationCV70102Duplicate ID
ValidationCV70103ID attempted to be registered already has an Accepted status
ValidationCV70104ID attempted to be declined cannot have an Accepted or Declined status
ValidationCV70105ID attempted to be waitlisted cannot have an Accepted or Waitlisted status
ValidationCV70106ID attempted to be canceled must already have an Accepted status
ValidationCV70107Event capacity has been reached
ValidationCV70108Invalid registration action
ValidationCV70109Invalid event ID
ValidationCV70110Event ID is not eligible for simple event registration
ValidationCV70111Waitlist is not active for supplied event ID
ValidationCV70112Event status is not valid for supplied registration action
ValidationCV70113The event you are currently requesting is not open for registration
ValidationCV80101Invalid ID
ValidationCV80102ID is required
ValidationCV80103Contact already exists in the passed contact group
ValidationCV80104Contact does not exist in the passed contact group
ValidationCV80105Invalid action
ValidationCV90101Exceed create contact group limit
ValidationCV90102Name is required to create a contact group
ValidationCV91101Required arguments not supplied
ValidationCV91102Invalid argument format
ValidationCV91103Invalid template
ValidationCV91105No event email access
ValidationCV91106No survey email access
ValidationCV91107Exceed send email limit
ValidationCV91108No eMarketing email access
ValidationCV91200Recipient’s ID is not valid
ValidationCV91201Recipient does not exist
ValidationCV91202Duplicate recipient found
ValidationCV91203Recipient’s contact information not found
ValidationCV91204Recipient has already received this email
ValidationCV91205Recipient’s email address is invalid
ValidationCV91206Recipient has opted out
ValidationCV91207Sending mail process for the recipient resulted in a failure
ValidationCV91208No email template
ValidationCV91209Registration approval is not enabled
ValidationCV91210Recipient has unsubscribed
Meeting RequestCV99623Invalid Event Country Code
Meeting RequestCV99641Invalid Request Status Name
Budget ItemCV91211Invalid ID
Budget ItemCV91212Duplicate ID
Budget ItemCV91213ID does not exist in this account
Budget ItemCV91214Invalid event ID
Budget ItemCV91215Blank budget item name
Budget ItemCV91216Invalid budget item type
Budget ItemCV91217Invalid budget item status
Budget ItemCV91218Invalid budget currency code
Budget ItemCV91219Budget currency code inactive in this account
Budget ItemCV91220Invalid conversion rate
Budget ItemCV91221Invalid budget category name
Budget ItemCV91222Invalid budget subcategory ID
Budget ItemCV91223Invalid vendor ID
Budget ItemCV91224Invalid product ID
Budget ItemCV91225Invalid budget item date
Budget ItemCV91226Invalid GL code
Budget ItemCV91227Invalid cost avoidance
Budget ItemCV91229Invalid units
Budget ItemCV91230Invalid cost
Budget ItemCV91231Invalid tax 1 rate
Budget ItemCV91232Invalid tax 2 rate
Budget ItemCV91233Invalid tax 3 rate
Budget ItemCV91234Invalid tax 4 rate
Budget ItemCV91235Invalid tax 5 rate
Budget ItemCV91236Invalid gratuity rate
Budget ItemCV91237Budgeted cost is required
Budget ItemCV91238Invalid budget cost type
Budget ItemCV91240Invalid allocation category ID
Budget ItemCV91241Invalid allocation subcategory ID
Budget ItemCV91242Invalid allocation percentage
Budget ItemCV91243Sum of allocations does not equal 100%
Budget ItemCV91245Invalid payment name
Budget ItemCV91246Invalid payment method
Budget ItemCV91247Invalid payment date
Budget ItemCV91248Invalid payment amount
Budget ItemCV91249Invalid currency code
Budget ItemCV91250Currency code inactive in this account
Budget ItemCV91251Invalid payment detail ID
Budget ItemCV91252Invalid RFP ID
Budget ItemCV91253Account budget tracking is off
Budget ItemCV91254Account budget allocation is off
Budget ItemCV91255GL code must be active
Budget ItemCV91256Duplicate budget cost name”
User ManagementCV92101UserType is required
User ManagementCV92102Username is required to create a User
User ManagementCV92103FederatedId is required to create a User
User ManagementCV92104UserRoleId is required to create a User
User ManagementCV92105Email is required to create a User
User ManagementCV92106First Name is required to create a User
User ManagementCV92107Last Name is required to create a User
User ManagementCV92108Password is required to create a User
User ManagementCV92109ID is not Valid
User ManagementCV92110ID is required to update a User
User ManagementCV92111UserRoleId is not Valid
User ManagementCV92112User’s DefaultContactGroupId is not Valid
User ManagementCV92113UserGroupDetail’s UserGroupId is not Valid
User ManagementCV92114VisibilityDefaults’s UserGroupId is not Valid
User ManagementCV92115Invalid format for email address
User ManagementCV92116Country Code is not valid
User ManagementCV92117State Code is not valid
User ManagementCV92118UserType is not Valid
User ManagementCV92119Username already exists
User ManagementCV92120FederatedId already exists for this user
User ManagementCV92121Duplicated User object - Key field(s) are not unique
User ManagementCV92122Duplicated User Group Detail object - GroupId(s) are not unique
User ManagementCV92123Duplicated User Visibility Defaults object - GroupId(s) are not unique
User ManagementCV92124VisibilityDefaults’s VisibilityType is not Valid
User ManagementCV92125Active multi user limit has been reached
User ManagementCV92126ID is required to delete a User
User ManagementCV92127VisibilityDefaults’s UserGroupId already exists for this user
User ManagementCV92128UserGroupDetail’s UserGroupId already exists for this user
User ManagementCV92129You cannot delete a user who is associated to an active API account
User Group ManagementCV93101Invalid user group ID
User Group ManagementCV93102ID is required for adding/removing a User from a User Group
User Group ManagementCV93103User already exists in the passed User Group
User Group ManagementCV93104User does not exist in the passed User Group
No-Registration Event CreationCV94101Title is required to create an Event
No-Registration Event CreationCV94102TimeZoneCode is required to create an Event
No-Registration Event CreationCV94103StartDate is required to create an Event
No-Registration Event CreationCV94104PlannerFirstName is required to create an Event
No-Registration Event CreationCV94105PlannerLastName is required to create an Event
No-Registration Event CreationCV94106StartDate must be earlier than the EndDate
No-Registration Event CreationCV94107State Code is not valid
No-Registration Event CreationCV94108Country Code is not valid
No-Registration Event CreationCV94109TimeZone Code is not valid
No-Registration Event CreationCV94110Capacity is not valid
No-Registration Event CreationCV94111Registrant count or Participant count is not valid
No-Registration Event CreationCV94112RSVP By Date is not valid
Invitee Internal InformationCV95101Combination of InviteeId and QuestionCode is not unique
Invitee Internal InformationCV95102Invalid question type
Invitee Internal InformationCV95103Question Code does not exist for this Event
Invitee Internal InformationCV95104EventId is required to update Invitee Internal Information
Invitee Internal InformationCV95105InviteeId is required to update Invitee Internal Information
Invitee Internal InformationCV95106Question ID or Question Code is required
Invitee Internal InformationCV95107Answer Text is required to update Invitee Internal Information
Invitee Internal InformationCV95108EventId is not Valid
Invitee Internal InformationCV95109Question ID does not exist for this Event
Invitee Internal InformationCV84001Invitee ID does not exist
Rate HistoryCV96101ID is required to delete a Rate History
Invitee or Guest Check-InCV97101ID does not match an existing session
Invitee or Guest Check-InCV97102Invitee/guest must be registered for the session to be checked in
Transaction CreationCV98101Invalid invitee status
Transaction CreationCV98102Duplicated Transaction object – Invitee ID(s) are not unique
Transaction CreationCV98103Duplicated Distribution Detail object – Product ID(s) are not unique
Transaction CreationCV98104The amount due must be greater than 0
Transaction CreationCV98105The amount due must be less than 0
Transaction CreationCV98106Amount applied to all products must equal the total amount paid
Transaction CreationCV98107Invalid product
Transaction CreationCV98108The total Amt Applied cannot be less or greater than the total payment
SupplierCV99101You do not have access to this object
Survey Answer ImportCV99611Question Code does not exist for this Survey
Survey Answer ImportCV99612Invalid respondent status
Survey Answer ImportCV99613Invalid question type
Survey Answer ImportCV99614QuestionID or QuestionCode is required
Survey Answer ImportCV99615Question ID does not exist for this Survey
RFP CreationCV81101User ID is required to create an RFP
RFP CreationCV81102RFP Type is required
RFP CreationCV81103RFP Name is required
RFP CreationCV81104Invalid RFP Type
RFP CreationCV81105Invalid Currency Code
RFP CreationCV81106Invalid State Code
RFP CreationCV81107Invalid Country Code
RFP CreationCV81108Event Start Date must be earlier than the Event End Date
Distribution ListCV83101Name is required to create a Distribution List
Distribution ListCV83102Active flag is missing
Distribution ListCV83103Security Type is required
Distribution ListCV89102ID is required for adding/removing from a Distribution List
Distribution ListCV89103Contact already included in Distribution List
Distribution ListCV89104Contact is not included in Distribution List
ApproverCV85101ApproverCategory is required
ApproverCV85102ApproverCategory already exists
ApproverCV85103Approver configuration for source already exists
ApproverCV85104Invalid Email Address
ApproverCV85106ApproverCategory ID is invalid or does not exist
ApproverCV85107Approver category ID and requestor source value combination is invalid or does not exist
ApproverCV85108ApproverCategory ID is or Source Value is not exist
ApproverCV85111ApproverCategory ID is invalid or does not exist
ApproverCV85112Invalid email ID of approver
ApproverCV85113ApproverCategory and Source nor exists
ApproverCV85114Approver configuration already exists for the given category and source
ApproverCV85115RequestorSource is required
ApproverCV85116Approver is required
ApproverCV85117Duplicate Approver Objects - Key field(s) are not unique
Invitee ValidationCV90100Invalid product type
Invitee ValidationCV90103Invalid product ID
Invitee ValidationCV90104Invitee or guest must be in Accepted status
Invitee ValidationCV90105This invitee or guest is already registered for this session
Invitee ValidationCV90106This invitee or guest is not registered for this session
Invitee ValidationCV90107Event status is not valid
Invitee ValidationCV90108Session does not belong to the registrant event
Invitee ValidationCV90109This invitee or guest is already registered for a session within this session group
Invitee ValidationCV90110Invitee or guest cannot be unregistered from this session
ContactCV91100Name is required to create a Distribution List
Advanced LogicCV99747Invalid child question choice
No PermissionCV20022Access denied
No PermissionCV99616Targeted List ID does not exist
No PermissionCV99617Invalid Contact Group Type
No PermissionCV99618Response ID is required for ticketing survey
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