Cvent’s SOAP API is being sunset. See REST API.
The following are the error codes you may receive and their type and message.
Error Codes
Error Type | Code | Message |
Generic | CV10000 | Unknown exception |
Generic | CV10001 | Server exception – transaction cancelled |
Security | CV10100 | Account lockout |
Security | CV10101 | No access |
Security | CV10102 | Invalid login |
Security | CV10103 | Cannot be authenticated |
Security | CV10104 | Invalid Cvent header value |
Security | CV10105 | Session expired |
Security | CV10106 | Invalid IP |
Security | CV10107 | Unknown header value |
Security | CV10108 | API currently disabled |
Invalid Operations | CV20001 | Malformed ID |
Invalid Operations | CV20010 | Invalid search filter |
Invalid Operations | CV20011 | Unknown search exception |
Invalid Operations | CV20012 | Too many IDs returned |
Invalid Operations | CV20013 | Invalid date range |
Invalid Operations | CV20014 | Invalid date range |
Invalid Operations | CV20015 | Invalid search operator |
Invalid Operations | CV20016 | Invalid custom contact field ID or search filter format |
Invalid Operations | CV20017 | Invalid custom event field ID or search filter format |
Invalid Operations | CV20018 | No ID provided |
Invalid Operations | CV20019 | Invalid user ID |
Invalid Operations | CV20020 | Invalid respondent status |
Invalid Operations | CV20021 | Too many IDs provided |
Invalid Operations | CV20027 | The CopyEvent method is not supported Express or Flex event types |
Metric | CV30100 | Exceed API call limit |
Metric | CV30101 | Exceed create contact limit |
Metric | CV30102 | Exceed update contact limit |
Metric | CV30103 | Exceed delete contact limit |
Metric | CV30104 | Exceed check-in limit |
Metric | CV30105 | Exceed simple event registration limit |
Metric | CV30106 | Exceed transfer invitee limit |
Metric | CV30107 | Exceed manage contact group members limit |
Metric | CV30108 | Exceed create user limit |
Metric | CV30109 | Exceed update user limit |
Metric | CV30110 | Exceed delete user limit |
Metric | CV30111 | Exceed create no-registration event limit |
Metric | CV30112 | Exceed manage user group limit |
Metric | CV30117 | Exceed copy event limit |
Metric | CV30118 | Exceed survey answer import limit |
Metric | CV30119 | Exceed create RFP limit |
Metric | CV30120 | Exceed upsert contact limit |
Metric | CV30121 | Exceed validate invitee limit |
Metric | CV30122 | Exceed update approver limit |
Metric | CV30123 | Exceed invitee limit |
Validation | CV40101 | Last Name is required to create a contact |
Validation | CV40102 | Invalid format for email address |
Validation | CV40103 | Duplicated Contact object – Key field(s) are not unique |
Validation | CV40104 | Contact already exists |
Validation | CV40105 | Contact Type Code not valid |
Validation | CV40106 | Country Code for Home Address is not valid |
Validation | CV40107 | State Code for Home Address is not valid |
Validation | CV40108 | Country Code for Work Address is not valid |
Validation | CV40109 | State Code for Work Address is not valid |
Validation | CV40110 | ID is not valid |
Validation | CV40111 | Contact Custom Field ID(s) is not valid |
Validation | CV40112 | Contact Group ID(s) is not valid |
Validation | CV40113 | ID is required |
Validation | CV40114 | Last Name is required to update a contact |
Validation | CV40115 | ID is required |
Validation | CV40116 | Duplicated Custom Field Detail object - FieldId(s) are not unique |
Validation | CV40117 | Duplicated Contact Group Detail object - GroupId(s) are not unique |
Validation | CV40118 | Duplicate ID |
Validation | CV40119 | Invalid format for cc email-address |
Validation | CV40120 | Email is required to upsert a contact |
Validation | CV40121 | FirstName is required to upsert a contact |
Validation | CV40122 | LastName is required to upsert a contact |
Validation | CV40123 | Invalid DOB |
Validation | CV40124 | Email address does not exist in your account |
Validation | CV50101 | Invalid ID |
Validation | CV50102 | Duplicate ID |
Validation | CV50103 | ID does not exist in this account |
Validation | CV50104 | Invitee already exists |
Validation | CV50105 | Invalid activity ID |
Validation | CV50106 | Invalid activity type |
Validation | CV50107 | Transaction ID already exists |
Validation | CV50108 | Transaction ID not found for respondent |
Validation | CV60101 | Invalid ID |
Validation | CV60102 | Duplicate ID |
Validation | CV70101 | Invalid ID |
Validation | CV70102 | Duplicate ID |
Validation | CV70103 | ID attempted to be registered already has an Accepted status |
Validation | CV70104 | ID attempted to be declined cannot have an Accepted or Declined status |
Validation | CV70105 | ID attempted to be waitlisted cannot have an Accepted or Waitlisted status |
Validation | CV70106 | ID attempted to be canceled must already have an Accepted status |
Validation | CV70107 | Event capacity has been reached |
Validation | CV70108 | Invalid registration action |
Validation | CV70109 | Invalid event ID |
Validation | CV70110 | Event ID is not eligible for simple event registration |
Validation | CV70111 | Waitlist is not active for supplied event ID |
Validation | CV70112 | Event status is not valid for supplied registration action |
Validation | CV70113 | The event you are currently requesting is not open for registration |
Validation | CV80101 | Invalid ID |
Validation | CV80102 | ID is required |
Validation | CV80103 | Contact already exists in the passed contact group |
Validation | CV80104 | Contact does not exist in the passed contact group |
Validation | CV80105 | Invalid action |
Validation | CV90101 | Exceed create contact group limit |
Validation | CV90102 | Name is required to create a contact group |
Validation | CV91101 | Required arguments not supplied |
Validation | CV91102 | Invalid argument format |
Validation | CV91103 | Invalid template |
Validation | CV91105 | No event email access |
Validation | CV91106 | No survey email access |
Validation | CV91107 | Exceed send email limit |
Validation | CV91108 | No eMarketing email access |
Validation | CV91200 | Recipient’s ID is not valid |
Validation | CV91201 | Recipient does not exist |
Validation | CV91202 | Duplicate recipient found |
Validation | CV91203 | Recipient’s contact information not found |
Validation | CV91204 | Recipient has already received this email |
Validation | CV91205 | Recipient’s email address is invalid |
Validation | CV91206 | Recipient has opted out |
Validation | CV91207 | Sending mail process for the recipient resulted in a failure |
Validation | CV91208 | No email template |
Validation | CV91209 | Registration approval is not enabled |
Validation | CV91210 | Recipient has unsubscribed |
Meeting Request | CV99623 | Invalid Event Country Code |
Meeting Request | CV99641 | Invalid Request Status Name |
Budget Item | CV91211 | Invalid ID |
Budget Item | CV91212 | Duplicate ID |
Budget Item | CV91213 | ID does not exist in this account |
Budget Item | CV91214 | Invalid event ID |
Budget Item | CV91215 | Blank budget item name |
Budget Item | CV91216 | Invalid budget item type |
Budget Item | CV91217 | Invalid budget item status |
Budget Item | CV91218 | Invalid budget currency code |
Budget Item | CV91219 | Budget currency code inactive in this account |
Budget Item | CV91220 | Invalid conversion rate |
Budget Item | CV91221 | Invalid budget category name |
Budget Item | CV91222 | Invalid budget subcategory ID |
Budget Item | CV91223 | Invalid vendor ID |
Budget Item | CV91224 | Invalid product ID |
Budget Item | CV91225 | Invalid budget item date |
Budget Item | CV91226 | Invalid GL code |
Budget Item | CV91227 | Invalid cost avoidance |
Budget Item | CV91229 | Invalid units |
Budget Item | CV91230 | Invalid cost |
Budget Item | CV91231 | Invalid tax 1 rate |
Budget Item | CV91232 | Invalid tax 2 rate |
Budget Item | CV91233 | Invalid tax 3 rate |
Budget Item | CV91234 | Invalid tax 4 rate |
Budget Item | CV91235 | Invalid tax 5 rate |
Budget Item | CV91236 | Invalid gratuity rate |
Budget Item | CV91237 | Budgeted cost is required |
Budget Item | CV91238 | Invalid budget cost type |
Budget Item | CV91240 | Invalid allocation category ID |
Budget Item | CV91241 | Invalid allocation subcategory ID |
Budget Item | CV91242 | Invalid allocation percentage |
Budget Item | CV91243 | Sum of allocations does not equal 100% |
Budget Item | CV91245 | Invalid payment name |
Budget Item | CV91246 | Invalid payment method |
Budget Item | CV91247 | Invalid payment date |
Budget Item | CV91248 | Invalid payment amount |
Budget Item | CV91249 | Invalid currency code |
Budget Item | CV91250 | Currency code inactive in this account |
Budget Item | CV91251 | Invalid payment detail ID |
Budget Item | CV91252 | Invalid RFP ID |
Budget Item | CV91253 | Account budget tracking is off |
Budget Item | CV91254 | Account budget allocation is off |
Budget Item | CV91255 | GL code must be active |
Budget Item | CV91256 | Duplicate budget cost name” |
User Management | CV92101 | UserType is required |
User Management | CV92102 | Username is required to create a User |
User Management | CV92103 | FederatedId is required to create a User |
User Management | CV92104 | UserRoleId is required to create a User |
User Management | CV92105 | Email is required to create a User |
User Management | CV92106 | First Name is required to create a User |
User Management | CV92107 | Last Name is required to create a User |
User Management | CV92108 | Password is required to create a User |
User Management | CV92109 | ID is not Valid |
User Management | CV92110 | ID is required to update a User |
User Management | CV92111 | UserRoleId is not Valid |
User Management | CV92112 | User’s DefaultContactGroupId is not Valid |
User Management | CV92113 | UserGroupDetail’s UserGroupId is not Valid |
User Management | CV92114 | VisibilityDefaults’s UserGroupId is not Valid |
User Management | CV92115 | Invalid format for email address |
User Management | CV92116 | Country Code is not valid |
User Management | CV92117 | State Code is not valid |
User Management | CV92118 | UserType is not Valid |
User Management | CV92119 | Username already exists |
User Management | CV92120 | FederatedId already exists for this user |
User Management | CV92121 | Duplicated User object - Key field(s) are not unique |
User Management | CV92122 | Duplicated User Group Detail object - GroupId(s) are not unique |
User Management | CV92123 | Duplicated User Visibility Defaults object - GroupId(s) are not unique |
User Management | CV92124 | VisibilityDefaults’s VisibilityType is not Valid |
User Management | CV92125 | Active multi user limit has been reached |
User Management | CV92126 | ID is required to delete a User |
User Management | CV92127 | VisibilityDefaults’s UserGroupId already exists for this user |
User Management | CV92128 | UserGroupDetail’s UserGroupId already exists for this user |
User Management | CV92129 | You cannot delete a user who is associated to an active API account |
User Group Management | CV93101 | Invalid user group ID |
User Group Management | CV93102 | ID is required for adding/removing a User from a User Group |
User Group Management | CV93103 | User already exists in the passed User Group |
User Group Management | CV93104 | User does not exist in the passed User Group |
No-Registration Event Creation | CV94101 | Title is required to create an Event |
No-Registration Event Creation | CV94102 | TimeZoneCode is required to create an Event |
No-Registration Event Creation | CV94103 | StartDate is required to create an Event |
No-Registration Event Creation | CV94104 | PlannerFirstName is required to create an Event |
No-Registration Event Creation | CV94105 | PlannerLastName is required to create an Event |
No-Registration Event Creation | CV94106 | StartDate must be earlier than the EndDate |
No-Registration Event Creation | CV94107 | State Code is not valid |
No-Registration Event Creation | CV94108 | Country Code is not valid |
No-Registration Event Creation | CV94109 | TimeZone Code is not valid |
No-Registration Event Creation | CV94110 | Capacity is not valid |
No-Registration Event Creation | CV94111 | Registrant count or Participant count is not valid |
No-Registration Event Creation | CV94112 | RSVP By Date is not valid |
Invitee Internal Information | CV95101 | Combination of InviteeId and QuestionCode is not unique |
Invitee Internal Information | CV95102 | Invalid question type |
Invitee Internal Information | CV95103 | Question Code does not exist for this Event |
Invitee Internal Information | CV95104 | EventId is required to update Invitee Internal Information |
Invitee Internal Information | CV95105 | InviteeId is required to update Invitee Internal Information |
Invitee Internal Information | CV95106 | Question ID or Question Code is required |
Invitee Internal Information | CV95107 | Answer Text is required to update Invitee Internal Information |
Invitee Internal Information | CV95108 | EventId is not Valid |
Invitee Internal Information | CV95109 | Question ID does not exist for this Event |
Invitee Internal Information | CV84001 | Invitee ID does not exist |
Rate History | CV96101 | ID is required to delete a Rate History |
Invitee or Guest Check-In | CV97101 | ID does not match an existing session |
Invitee or Guest Check-In | CV97102 | Invitee/guest must be registered for the session to be checked in |
Transaction Creation | CV98101 | Invalid invitee status |
Transaction Creation | CV98102 | Duplicated Transaction object – Invitee ID(s) are not unique |
Transaction Creation | CV98103 | Duplicated Distribution Detail object – Product ID(s) are not unique |
Transaction Creation | CV98104 | The amount due must be greater than 0 |
Transaction Creation | CV98105 | The amount due must be less than 0 |
Transaction Creation | CV98106 | Amount applied to all products must equal the total amount paid |
Transaction Creation | CV98107 | Invalid product |
Transaction Creation | CV98108 | The total Amt Applied cannot be less or greater than the total payment |
Supplier | CV99101 | You do not have access to this object |
Survey Answer Import | CV99611 | Question Code does not exist for this Survey |
Survey Answer Import | CV99612 | Invalid respondent status |
Survey Answer Import | CV99613 | Invalid question type |
Survey Answer Import | CV99614 | QuestionID or QuestionCode is required |
Survey Answer Import | CV99615 | Question ID does not exist for this Survey |
RFP Creation | CV81101 | User ID is required to create an RFP |
RFP Creation | CV81102 | RFP Type is required |
RFP Creation | CV81103 | RFP Name is required |
RFP Creation | CV81104 | Invalid RFP Type |
RFP Creation | CV81105 | Invalid Currency Code |
RFP Creation | CV81106 | Invalid State Code |
RFP Creation | CV81107 | Invalid Country Code |
RFP Creation | CV81108 | Event Start Date must be earlier than the Event End Date |
Distribution List | CV83101 | Name is required to create a Distribution List |
Distribution List | CV83102 | Active flag is missing |
Distribution List | CV83103 | Security Type is required |
Distribution List | CV89102 | ID is required for adding/removing from a Distribution List |
Distribution List | CV89103 | Contact already included in Distribution List |
Distribution List | CV89104 | Contact is not included in Distribution List |
Approver | CV85101 | ApproverCategory is required |
Approver | CV85102 | ApproverCategory already exists |
Approver | CV85103 | Approver configuration for source already exists |
Approver | CV85104 | Invalid Email Address |
Approver | CV85106 | ApproverCategory ID is invalid or does not exist |
Approver | CV85107 | Approver category ID and requestor source value combination is invalid or does not exist |
Approver | CV85108 | ApproverCategory ID is or Source Value is not exist |
Approver | CV85111 | ApproverCategory ID is invalid or does not exist |
Approver | CV85112 | Invalid email ID of approver |
Approver | CV85113 | ApproverCategory and Source nor exists |
Approver | CV85114 | Approver configuration already exists for the given category and source |
Approver | CV85115 | RequestorSource is required |
Approver | CV85116 | Approver is required |
Approver | CV85117 | Duplicate Approver Objects - Key field(s) are not unique |
Invitee Validation | CV90100 | Invalid product type |
Invitee Validation | CV90103 | Invalid product ID |
Invitee Validation | CV90104 | Invitee or guest must be in Accepted status |
Invitee Validation | CV90105 | This invitee or guest is already registered for this session |
Invitee Validation | CV90106 | This invitee or guest is not registered for this session |
Invitee Validation | CV90107 | Event status is not valid |
Invitee Validation | CV90108 | Session does not belong to the registrant event |
Invitee Validation | CV90109 | This invitee or guest is already registered for a session within this session group |
Invitee Validation | CV90110 | Invitee or guest cannot be unregistered from this session |
Contact | CV91100 | Name is required to create a Distribution List |
Advanced Logic | CV99747 | Invalid child question choice |
No Permission | CV20022 | Access denied |
No Permission | CV99616 | Targeted List ID does not exist |
No Permission | CV99617 | Invalid Contact Group Type |
No Permission | CV99618 | Response ID is required for ticketing survey |
Last updated on