This user guide will teach you how to obfuscate a contact via Cvent’s REST API.
Cvent’s REST API supports Contact Obfuscation. This feature allows you to remove any personal details related to a contact from your Cvent account.
To use the obfuscation endpoint, the obfuscation feature must be enabled in your account. Contact your account manager for more details on getting this enabled.
To use Cvent’s REST API, your developer needs access to a workspace. Account users can find more details about creating workspaces in Inviting Your Developers.
Obfuscation Workflow

You must Authenticate your REST API access and store the resulting access token.
Get the Contact to Obfuscate
When you have a contact to obfuscate, you need their unique contact ID. If you don’t know the ID, use List Contacts and filter by email or name. See the following example:
curl -X GET {hostName}/{version}/contacts?filter=email eq 'jsmith@gmail.com' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}'
is set based on your region.{version}
is set based on the current version of the API.{accessToken}
was retrieved in the previous Authentication request.
The response to this request will contain their contact ID and other personal details. You’ll use the contact ID in the next step.
Initiate the Obfuscation
You’ll initiate a Contact Obfuscation using the contact’s ID. Be aware that obfuscations are permanent and can’t be undone. See the following example:
curl -X GET {hostName}/{version}/contacts/{id}/obfuscate \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}'
is set based on your region.{version}
is set based on the current version of the API.{id}
is the ID of the contact to be obfuscated, retrieved in the List Contacts request.{accessToken}
was retrieved in the previous Authentication request.
In the response, you’ll receive an obfuscation ID and current status. The obfuscation process is asynchronous, so it won’t be complete at your request. You’ll need to check in after a few minutes on the request to verify completion.
Verify the Obfuscation
Verify the status of your obfuscation request using the Get Obfuscation Status endpoint. See the following example:
curl -X GET {hostName}/{version}/contacts/obfuscate/{obfuscateId}/status \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}'
is set based on your region.{version}
is set based on the current version of the API.{obfuscateId}
is the ID returned from the Obfuscate a Contact endpoint in the previous step.{accessToken}
was retrieved in the previous Authentication request.
That’s it. You’ve obfuscated a contact successfully.
Obfuscation in Bulk
If you need to obfuscate large amounts of contacts, Cvent’s REST API Bulk endpoints support doing the obfuscation task in bulk. See the Bulk API user guide for more details.
Response Code 409

The contact obfuscation feature needs to be enabled in your Cvent account to obfuscate successfully. Contact your account manager to have this feature enabled.
Response Code 403

Contact obfuscation requires the contact read & write permissions.
This error can occur if these permissions are not enabled in your workspace. Contact your account administrators to have them enable the permission in your workspace (see Inviting your Developers for steps on editing workspaces).
If these permission are not enabled in your application, this error can occur. Add the required scopes to your application and try again (see Developer Quickstart for steps on editing your application scope).