This guide shows you how to create a Flow that sends Salesforce alerts to users with the “Cvent - Event Admin” permission set assigned on Cvent Log record creation.
Alert Cvent Event Admins on Cvent Log Creation
1. Get permission set Id. Open Developer Console. In the Query Editor paste and execute the query below. Copy the Id you get.
SELECT Id FROM PermissionSet WHERE Name = ‘Admin’ AND NamespacePrefix = ‘CventEvents’
2. Create custom notification type. Go to Setup > Custom Notifications and create a new Custom Notification Type.

3. Get custom notification type Id. Open Developer Console. In the Query Editor paste and execute the query below. Copy the Id you get. If you chose a different API name for the notification type on the previous step, use instead of LogNotification.
SELECT Id FROM CustomNotificationType WHERE DeveloperName = ‘LogNotification’
4. Create a flow. Go to Setup > Process Automation > Flows and create a new Record-Triggered Flow.
5. Configure Start. Choose Cvent Log as an object. Select to trigger the flow when a record is created.
Set entry conditions to:
- CventEventsSeverityc — Equals — Error, OR
- CventEventsSeverityc — Equals — Partial Error.
Optimize the flow for Actions and Related Records.

6. Create new constant for Permission Set Id. Create new resource of type Constant and Text data type. Use the Id from the first step as Value.

7. Create new constant for custom notification type Id. Create new resource of type Constant and Text data type. Use the Id from the third step as Value.

8. Create new variable for permission set assignments. Create a new resource of type Variable and Record data type. Select Permission Set Assignment as the object and allow multiple values.

9. Get permission set assignments. Add new Get Records data element. Choose Permission Set Assignment as object.
Set entry conditions to include:
- PermissionSetId — Equals — CventAdminPermissionSetId (the variable from step #6)
Configure the REST of the element attributes as following:
- How Many Records to Store - All records
- How to Store Record Date - Choose fields and assign variables (advanced)
- Record Collection - PermissionSetAssignments (the variable from step #8)
- Fields - Id, AssigneeId

10. Create a loop. Add new Loop logic element. Use PermissionSetAssignments (the value from step #8) as collection variable and First item to last item as direction.

11. Create new variable for the list of Cvent Admin Ids. Create new resource of type Variable and Text data type. Allow multiple values.

12. Get Cvent Admins Ids. In the Loop For Each segment click Add New Element. Choose Assignment. Configure the assignment as following:
- Variable - **CventAdminUserIdsList **(from step #11)
- Operator - Add
- Value - {Current Item From Loop}.Assignee.Id

13. Create notification text. Create new resource of type **Text Template. **Choose View as Plain Text**. Either use the text below or create you own notification text.

14. Create notification title. Create new resource of type **Text Template. **Choose View as Plain Text. Either use the text below or create you own notification title.

15. Create notification action. Add new Send Custom Notification action. Configure the action as following:
Custom Notification Type Id - CustomNotificationId (from step #7)
Notification Body - LogNotificationText (from step #13)
Notification Title - LogNotificationTitle (from step #14)
Recipient IDs - CventAdminUserIdsList (from step #11)
Target ID - Record. Id
16. Save, activate, and test the flow. The flow now requires saving and activation. Once activated, either create a new Cvent Log manually or generate one via the App. You should get a Salesforce alert if you have the “Cvent - Event Admin” permission set assigned.