This guide provides information on the lead conversion methods available in the Cvent Salesforce App. By the end of this guide, you should have a clear understanding of the lead conversion process and can choose the best method for your needs.
Lead Conversion
In general, two methods exist for Lead conversion: creating a new contact or using an existing one. The behavior of the App differs depending on the record matching approach used. Refer to Choose Record Matching Approach for more details on record matching approaches available in the App.
- When an invited Lead converts later to a contact, the converted Contact serves as a record to assign attendees during the sync process.
- The system excludes converted Leads from the record matching process.
Converting into a New Contact
For both contact-based and attendee/respondent-based matching approaches: the system assigns and transfers all attendees, nominations, attendee activities, and survey respondent records from the lead to the newly created contact.
For the contact-based matching approach: the Cvent contact stub value nullifies on the converted lead and transfers to the newly created contact. Going forward, new data about this person associates with the contact.
Converting into an Existing Contact
When an existing contact is selected for the lead to convert to, the Cvent Salesforce App checks if this Salesforce contact has a Cvent contact associated with it. For both Contact-based and Attendee/Respondent-based matching approaches the presence of child attendee and respondent records is checked. Apart from that, the presence of Cvent contact stub is checked for Contact-based matching approach.
If no Cvent contact is associated with the Salesforce contact:
- All attendees, nominations, attendee activities, and survey respondent records assigned to the lead are transferred to the contact for both Contact-based and Attendee/Respondent-based matching approaches.
- For **Contact-based **matching approach: Cvent contact stub value is nullified on the converted lead and transferred to the newly created contact. Going forward, new data about this person will be associated with the contact.
If a Cvent contact is already associated with the Salesforce contact:
For **Contact-based **matching approach, all attendees, nominations, attendee activities, and survey respondent records are deleted. Cvent contact stub value is nullified on the converted lead.
For **Attendee/Respondent-based **matching approach the behaviour is different depending on whether the target contact has attendees or respondents linked.
Lead is converted into the Contact which has attendees linked.
- If contact and lead have attendee records for different events, App merges all attendee records by moving the lead attendees (along with activities and nominations) to the chosen contact.
- If contact and lead have attendee records for the same
- App moves lead attendees (along with activities and nominations) which do not overlap with the contact ones. This is applied for primary registrants as well as guest.
- In case of participation overlap:
- Lead has a primary registrant & Contact has a primary registrant → Delete lead attendee.
- Lead has a primary registrant & Contact has a guest → Move lead attendee (along with activities and nominations).
- Lead has a guest & Contact has a primary registrant → Delete lead attendee.
- Lead has a guest & Contact has a guest → Delete lead attendee.
Lead is converted into the Contact which has respondents linked.
Standalone survey respondents.
- There’s a couple considerations to keep in mind. First
is the same standalone survey can be taken by the same
person multiple times which allows multiple respondents
to be created for the same prospect. Second is the App
allows multiple Cvent contacts to be mapped to the same
Salesforce record.
- Thus, App maintains all respondent records by moving the lead respondents to the chosen contact.
- There’s a couple considerations to keep in mind. First
is the same standalone survey can be taken by the same
person multiple times which allows multiple respondents
to be created for the same prospect. Second is the App
allows multiple Cvent contacts to be mapped to the same
Salesforce record.
Event survey respondents.
- Event survey can be taken only once by a person. Thus,
there can’t be more than a single respondent linked to
a Salesforce record for a given event survey. Event survey
program in Salesforce combines all the event surveys.
There might be multiple event survey program respondents
linked to the same prospect in Salesforce (BUT no more than one
per event survey).
- Thus, App deletes lead respondents which overlap (respondents from the same event survey) with the contact ones, and moves lead respondents which do not overlap with the contact ones.
- Event survey can be taken only once by a person. Thus,
there can’t be more than a single respondent linked to
a Salesforce record for a given event survey. Event survey
program in Salesforce combines all the event surveys.
There might be multiple event survey program respondents
linked to the same prospect in Salesforce (BUT no more than one
per event survey).