This article describes how to get started developing with RegLink API. It contains details on obtaining API credentials, implementing workflows, testing in a sandbox environment, and implementing in production.
Getting Credentials
A few scenarios exist for getting started with the RegLink APIs:
- If you’re working with a meeting planner or CVB/Destination: Verify which Passkey and REST API licenses they have. They can reach out to their account team if they are unsure.
- If you’re a Cvent customer: Speak to your account team to confirm if you have the required license.
Once you have access to an account with the correct licenses, contact the Passkey RegLink API team to get API credentials.
Developing Integrations
Once you have credentials, you can get an access token to begin development. Find instructions for authenticating on the Cvent API Platform. You can find the RegLink API specifications on the Cvent API Platform.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
After testing, your RegLink integration with Cvent Passkey is complete. To use your integration on any event, it must be authorized by the event owner.
Example Workflows
RegLink Basic Flow
This workflow enables a third-party application to direct a registrant to book their reservation in Passkey with a unique link that populates the guest’s information, prevents reuse, and links the registration with the hotel reservation. The attendee must book reservations in Passkey’s booking site, or staff can book them through Passkey’s Call Center form.
- Enable the Integration: Have your partner enable the integration manually or enable the integration through the Connection endpoint.
- Authenticate: Invoke the Authentication endpoint to create a token.
- Retrieve Codes: Use the Event, Hotel, or Room Type endpoints to retrieve any necessary IDs. You’ll find full details on these APIs in the Housing section. For a low complexity integrations, the Passkey event owner can manually share these IDs.
- Create ReservationRequest (Bridge): Create, modify, and cancel ReservationRequests to pass registrant information to Passkey. The API response includes a guest specific URL to our booking site, which can be used to create a reservation.
- Book Room: When the guest navigates to the URL and books their housing, their information is pre-populated and links the registration/Bridge to the new Reservation.
- *Callbacks**: If a two-way integration is desired, our Passkey Callbacks mechanism can send a webhook after a booking to update your system.
RegLink Advanced
A third-party application may use RegLink calls to manage all phases of the housing reservation process, including fetching housing availability and then creating, modifying, and canceling reservations. This integration takes longer to complete and requires more testing to ensure all supported features function as expected.
- Enable the Integration: Have your partner enable the integration manually or enable the integration through the Connection endpoint.
- Authenticate: Invoke the Authentication endpoint to create a token.
- Retrieve Event Information: Use the Event, Hotel, Room Type, and availability endpoints to retrieve event information, availability, rates and restrictions. This data can be used to populate the UI for the guests to book their rooms entirely in your system. You’ll find full details on these APIs in the Housing section.
- Create Reservation: Once the guest books or updates a booking through your UI, send the Create, modify, or cancel Reservation API call to create the hotel booking in Passkey. This must include the hotel, room type, dates, etc. Passkey will send the reservation to the hotel system when appropriate.
If you encounter any issues, feel free to reach out to our team if you have any questions.