Create From Bridge

This message allows the external system to create a reservation using details from an existing Bridge Record using the Bridge ID. Aside from the header information available in the message sample, it requires that a bridge ID be supplied. An error results if the required information to create a reservation is not contained in the Bridge ID.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CreateFromBridgeRQ xmlns="http://www.Cvent" xmlns:ota="">
      <Token> </Token>
         <ota:UniqueId Type="BRD" Id="323483RR-GA93"/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<PasskeyRS xmlns="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:ota="" xmlns:xsi="">
   <Message GUID="1638e6bf162:-568a20">
      <Status ID="2">PROCESSED</Status>
            <ota:HotelReservation RoomStayReservation="1">
               <ota:UniqueId Id="328T7923" Type="RES"/>
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