
Use CreateTransaction to insert offline payments for one or more registrants within an event. The CreateTransaction call is analogous to the INSERT statement in SQL.

Basic Steps

  1. Create an instance of one or more individual transaction objects. For each transaction object, you populate its fields with the data you want to add.
  2. Construct a Transaction array and populate that array with the transactions you want to create.
  3. Optionally, specify the MessageId if you need to track the result of each record. Message IDs can represent unique identifiers from your system. Message IDs will be returned as Reference IDs in the result array for your tracking purposes.
  4. Call CreateTransaction, passing in the transaction array and the ID of the event.
  5. Process the results in the CreateTransactionResultArray object to verify whether the transactions have been successfully created.

General Syntax

CreateTransactionResultArray = cventapi.CreateTransaction (EventId, TransactionArray)


EventIdIDThe ID of the event.
TransactionsCVObjectArrayArray of one or more instances (up to 200) to create, and optionally MessageIds which will be returned as ReferenceIds.


IdIDID of the transaction that you attempted to create. If this field contains a value, then the transaction was created successfully. If this field is empty, then the transaction was not created and the Cvent Web service returned error information instead.
ReferenceIdIDThe MessageId value in the input CvObject.
SuccessBooleanIndicates whether the Create call succeeded (True) or not (False) for this object.
ErrorsError ArrayIf an error occurred during the Create call, an array of one or more Error objects providing the error code and description.


Take into account the following notes when using the CreateTransaction call:

  • PaidInFull: If the PaidInFull Boolean for a given transaction is set to True, Cvent will automatically calculate the payment amount based on the amount due and effectively set the registrant’s balance due to zero. If False, the transaction amount must be distributed to individual products.
  • Transaction Types: Valid transaction types for this method include Offline Charge and Offline Refund.
  • Event Status: This method can only be used with events in one of the following statuses: Active, Closed, Completed, and Cancelled.
  • Invitee Status: This method can only be used for invitees in one of the following statuses: Accepted and Cancelled.
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