Need to rotate your API credentials for security reasons, or because a contractor has left your organization? This guide walks you through the process of recreating your application to get new credentials.

Rotating Your API Keys

To rotate your API keys:

  1. Navigate to the developer portal. In the top right-hand corner, click Log In. Enter your developer credentials if prompted.
  2. Once the workspace loads, find the application you need to rotate API credentials for. Note the tag next to the applications name and whether it indicates the app is Machine to Machine or Web App. Once noted, click Settings.

Screenshot of clicking settings on an application

  1. Review the list of enabled scopes and record them. If a Web App, note the Callback URL and Logout URL. You’ll need this list of scopes to accurately re-create your application in an upcoming step. Add a deprecated notice to the end of your application’s name to avoid naming conflicts. Click Save. Once successful, click View applications to return to your list of workspace applications.

screenshot of scopes and renamed application

  1. At the top, click Create application. Re-create the application you just reviewed by selecting the same application type (Machine to Machine or Web App), application name, termination protection setting, and scopes. Once done, click Save. On successful saving, click View applications.

Screenshot of re-created application

  1. Retrieve the Client ID and Client secret listed on your newly created application. Rotate existing credentials in use with this new Client ID and client secret. Verify that the integration works correctly with the new credentials.

  2. Once you’ve confirmed that everything is working, delete the old application to prevent unauthorized access. On the Applications page, click Delete next to your deprecated application.

    If the Delete button is greyed out, you’ll need to turn off Termination Protection by clicking Settings on your old application and toggling Termination Protection off. Then returning to the application page to delete again.

That’s everything. Your old credentials are no longer valid, and your applications are using a new set of credentials.

FAQ: I Don’t Have a Developer Login

If your a Cvent administrator or need to invite a new developer to perform this task, invite yourself or others as developers.

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