Cvent’s API uses a “push-pull” workflow. This notifies integrators when an event occurs on an object and retrieves the details of the object. You can pull the latest details of the object related to the action using Cvent’s RFP, Response, or Message API.

Endpoint Schema

PNS requires your integration has an endpoint that can connect to and push event notifications to Cvent. The notification schema your endpoint must be able to accept can be found in the JSON Schema.

Request Body Schema


Authentication and Encryption

PNS optionally supports API Key Authentication. If authentication is enabled, PNS will have an authorization header of api_key providedApiKey and the “ApiKey” is agreed on by Cvent and the client.

If authentication is not enabled, PNS will not have an authorization header.


All PNS client endpoints must accept connections, regardless of whether authentication is enabled, that are served over HTTPS, not HTTP. Cvent’s PNS will not send messages to unsecured HTTP endpoints.

Delivery Failure

PNS will attempt to deliver every subscribed notification to the endpoint you provided. If for some reason Cvent cannot connect or does not receive a successful acknowledgement from your endpoint, Cvent will continue to retry delivering the notification (at increasing intervals between attempts) until connectivity is restored and the notification is delivered.

Downtime Notices

In addition to retrying failed notifications, PNS can queue notifications for later delivery if your system is undergoing downtime. If you are performing scheduled maintenance on your integrated system, Cvent asks that you advise of your upcoming downtime. Cvent will temporarily disable delivery of notifications to your system during that window. Delivery of any and all queued notifications will occur when your system comes back online.

Rate Limiting

PNS supports the notion of rate limiting, which means PNS can be configured to prevent it from sending you notifications at a rate faster than you can accept. If you would like to configure rate limiting for your PNS subscription, please contact

Notification Events

Your integration can be subscribed to many different types of event notifications. Once subscribed, you will begin to receive notifications of that type for any object visible to your integrated suppliers as they are generated.

Most event types contain additional fields that can help you make the correct API call to retrieve the details of the event or to eliminate the need for an additional API request to be made.

By default, integrations is subscribed to the RFP_SEND and the RFP_FORWARD notifications. If you wish to subscribe to more types of events, please contact Cvent Support.

November 2016 Update

As of November 2016, PNS has added a new field to the event notification message to help segment.

This is a non-breaking change, so endpoints built prior to November 2016 are not required to update their code and should continue to receive notifications successfully. However, it’s recommended that your endpoint is updated to match the latest schema if you wish to begin receiving notifications additional event types in the future.

Request For Proposal (RFP) and Response Events


Notification TypeDescription
RFP_SENDAn RFP was sent to a supplier. Additional Fields: supplierId
RFP_FORWARDAn RFP was forwarded from one supplier to another. Additional Fields: supplierId, forwarderInfo
PLANNER_CANCELA meeting planner cancels their event. Additional Fields: reason
PLANNER_CANCEL_SUPPLIERA meeting planner cancels their request for proposal to a specific supplier. Additional Fields: reason, supplierId
PLANNER_RETRACT_AWARD_SUPPLIERA meeting planner rescinds an award for an RFP from the supplier. Additional Fields: supplierId
PLANNER_AWARD_SUPPLIERA meeting planner awards an RFP to a supplier. Additional Fields: supplierId
PLANNER_DECLINE_SUPPLIERA meeting planner declines a bid from a supplier for their RFP. Additional Fields: supplierId, reason
PLANNER_RETRACT_DECLINE_SUPPLIERA meeting planner rescinds a decline for a bid from a supplier (the supplier’s bid has been reconsidered for the planner’s event). Additional Fields: supplierId
RESPONSE_CONFIRM_RECEIPTA Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB) confirms receiving an RFP. Additional Fields: supplierId
RESPONSE_SUBMIT_PROPOSALA supplier submits a proposal for an RFP to the meeting planner. Additional Fields: supplierId
RESPONSE_TURN_DOWNA supplier turns down (declines to bid) an RFP received from a meeting planner. Additional Fields: supplierId, reason
RESPONSE_UNDO_TURN_DOWNA supplier rescinds their turn down of an RFP. Additional Fields: supplierId
RESPONSE_WITHDRAWA supplier withdraws a bid they previously submitted for an RFP. Additional Fields: supplierId, reason
RESPONSE_RETRACT_WITHDRAWA supplier reinstates a bid they have withdrawn for an RFP. Additional Fields: supplierId
RESPONSE_ADD_ATTACHMENTA supplier adds an attachment to their response to an RFP. Additional Fields: supplierId, attachmentIds[]
RESPONSE_DELETE_ATTACHMENTA supplier removes an attachment from their response to an RFP. Additional Fields: supplierId, attachmentIds[]
RESPONSE_MARK_IN_PROGRESSA supplier indicates that have begun working on a response to a meeting planner’s RFP. Additional Fields: supplierId
RESPONSE_ASSIGNA supplier has assigned a salesperson to work on an RFP they have received. Additional Fields: supplierId
RESPONSE_CREATE_PROPOSALA supplier has created (but not yet submitted to the meeting planner) a proposal for an RFP. Additional Fields: supplierId
RFP_VIEWEDA supplier views an RFP they have received. Additional Fields: supplierId
UPDATE_PROPOSAL_DETAILSA supplier updates the high-level details of a proposal for an RFP. Additional Fields: supplierId
UPDATE_PROPOSAL_SLEEPING_ROOMSA supplier updates the sleeping room availabilities for a proposal for an RFP. Additional Fields: supplierId
UPDATE_PROPOSAL_PACKAGESA supplier updates the meeting packages for a proposal for an RFP. Additional Fields: supplierId
UPDATE_PROPOSAL_ALTERNATE_DATESA supplier updates the alternate dates provided on a proposal for an RFP. Additional Fields: supplierId
UPDATE_PROPOSAL_ADDITIONAL_FEESA supplier updates the additional fees provided on a proposal for an RFP. Additional Fields: supplierId
UPDATE_PROPOSAL_ESTIMATED_COSTSA supplier updates the estimated costs provided on a proposal for an RFP. Additional Fields: supplierId
UPDATE_PROPOSAL_ADDITIONAL_QUESTIONSA supplier updates the answers to additional questions on their proposal for an RFP. Additional Fields: supplierId
UPDATE_PROPOSAL_AGENDA_ITEMSA supplier updates their responses to agenda items on their proposal for an RFP. Additional Fields: supplierId
MESSAGE_PLANNER_TO_SUPPLIERA planner sends a message to the supplier about an RFP. Additional Fields: supplierId, messageDetails
MESSAGE_SUPPLIER_TO_PLANNERA supplier sends a message to the planner about an RFP. Additional Fields: supplierId, messageDetails
MESSAGE_SUPPLIER_TO_SUPPLIERA supplier sends a message to another supplier about an RFP. Additional Fields: supplierId, messageDetails
RESPONSESUBMIT_PROPOSAL_OUTSIDE CVENTA supplier has indicated that a response has been submitted to the planner outside of the Cvent system. Additional Fields: supplierId

Venue Events


Notification TypeDescription
VENUE_VISIBILITY_CHANGEDIndicates a venue has been added or removed from the CSN. Additional information within the event details whether or not the venue is now active.
Last updated on