This guide explains the required and optional data fields for HTTP POST payloads when integrating with Cvent’s event registration process.

HTTP POST Form Endpoint

You’ll send your HTTP POST messages to the Cvent endpoint. The endpoint you use depends on your account’s data center:

Required Form Fields

The following fields must appear in HTTP POST payloads:

Cvent Field NamePayload NameFormatMax Length
eCodeecodeuuid36 characters (including hyphens)
First Namefirst_namestring30
Last Namelast_namestring50
Email Addressemail_addressstring50
Source IDsource_idstring120
Target Landing PagetargetEnum: Summary, Invitation, Registration-
Timestamp ◊timestampdatetime10

◊ Timestamp is only required if you are using Secure Post. Timestamp must be in GMT/Universal Time format.


The Source ID and Target Landing Page fields can be null but must be included in the form.

Locating the eCode

The eCode can be located in the event in the Event Information section. If the eCode is not displaying, click the settings icon.

HTTP Post info

Optional Form Fields

The following optional form fields, when passed, populate data on the registrant’s record. The table below describes the optional fields you can pass:

Field NamePayload NameMax Length
Contact Type Codereg_code30
Middle Namemiddle_name30
Primary Addressprimary_address_indicator
Home Address 1home_address140
Home Address 2home_address240
Home Address 3home_address340
Home Cityhome_city40
Home State Codehome_state_codeunlimited
Home Postal Codehome_postal_code25
Home Country Codehome_country3
Home Phonehome_phone30
Home Faxhome_fax30
Work Address 1work_address140
Work Address 2work_address240
Work Address 3work_address340
Work Citywork_city40
Work State Codework_state_codeunlimited
Work Postal Codework_postal_code25
Work Country Codework_country3
Work Phonework_phone30
Work Faxwork_fax30
Mobile Phonemobile30
Reference IDref_id100
Internal Survey Question Fields °question_code_130
Internal Survey Question Fields °question_answer_1
Custom Contact Fields *field_stub136
Custom Contact Fields *field1300

† The value for Primary Address must be W (work) or H (home). If left blank, it defaults to W (work).

° After selecting an internal question within an event, specify the question code for that question.

* Your Cvent account has a limited number of custom contact fields. To view the details of each custom contact field and retrieve its stub, go to Admin > General > Custom fields and then select Custom Contact Fields from the View dropdown and select a field to view the details.

• The maximum length for answers depends on the question type.

Form Field Notes

Take into account the following notes when working with form fields:

  • Payload names need to match exactly as listed. Any incorrectly named fields get ignored.
  • If the length of a field exceeds the maximum length, Cvent truncates the data.
  • Any field passed with a null value maintains the existing data in the field, rather than overwriting it.
  • All passed fields update the contact. Fields not included in the payload remain unaltered.
  • All custom contact fields require two passed fields—a field stub and a field value. If one is missing, the field gets ignored.
  • All internal survey question fields require two passed parameters—a question code and an answer value. If one is missing, the field gets ignored.
  • If the Custom Contact field remains blank, the field gets ignored.
  • If the Target Landing Page field remains blank, the user goes to the Summary page by default.
  • If your account “Require Secure POST,” it no longer accepts POST forms unless a valid signature and timestamp appear. See Secure Post.

Sample Payload

This sample shows the format for your POST message.

  "method": "POST",
  "url": "",
  "requestHeaders": [...],
  "postData": {
    "cc_email_address": [""],
    "company": ["Contoso Inc"],
    "cont_nin": ["QQ123456B"],
    "cont_npi": ["7492037495"],
    "cont_ssn": ["069438510"],
    "designation": ["CPA"],
    "ecode": ["0f254492-8073-412c-bbd7-db534b6b10e0"],
    "email_address": [""],
    "encrypted_cont_dob": ["1985‑09‑25"],
    "facebook_url": [""],
    "field1": ["Shellfish"],
    "field_stub1": ["88888888-4444-4444-4444-121212121212"],
    "first_name": ["Test"],
    "gender": ["Female"],
    "home_address1": ["123 Walloby Way"],
    "home_address2": ["Floor 6"],
    "home_address3": ["Unit 6003"],
    "home_city": ["Tysons Corner"],
    "home_country": ["US"],
    "home_fax": ["123-123-1234"],
    "home_phone": ["456-356-3564"],
    "home_postal_code": ["22102"],
    "home_state_code": ["VA"],
    "last_name": ["Registrant"],
    "linkedin_url": [""],
    "middle_name": ["J"],
    "mobile": ["434-344-6543"],
    "nickname": ["Spence"],
    "pager": ["123-123-1234"],
    "passport_country_code": ["US"],
    "passport_number": ["187340987412"],
    "prefix": ["Mr."],
    "primary_address_indicator": ["W"],
    "question_answer_1": ["Medium"],
    "question_code_1": ["88888888-2222-2222-2222-121212121212"],
    "reg_code": ["REG"],
    "source_id": ["957463"],
    "submit": [""],
    "target": ["Registration"],
    "targetUrl": [""],
    "title": ["CEO"],
    "twitter_url": [""],
    "work_address1": ["1203 King Street"],
    "work_address2": ["Floor 4"],
    "work_address3": ["Suite 1"],
    "work_city": ["Fredericton"],
    "work_country": ["CA"],
    "work_fax": ["143-565-4584"],
    "work_phone": ["753-168-3743"],
    "work_postal_code": ["E2A4X4"],
    "work_state_code": ["NB"]
  "post": [
    ["cc_email_address", ""],
    ["company", "Contoso Inc"],
    ["cont_nin", "QQ123456B"],
    ["cont_npi", "7492037495"],
    ["cont_ssn", "1069438510"],
    ["designation", "CPA"],
    ["ecode", "0f254492-8073-412c-bbd7-db534b6b10e0"],
    ["email_address", ""],
    ["encrypted_cont_dob", "1985‑09‑25"],
    ["facebook_url", ""],
    ["field1", "Shellfish"],
    ["field_stub1", "88888888-4444-4444-4444-121212121212"],
    ["first_name", "Test"],
    ["gender", "Female"],
    ["home_address1", "123 Walloby Way"],
    ["home_address2", "Floor 6"],
    ["home_address3", "Unit 6003"],
    ["home_city", "Tysons Corner"],
    ["home_country", "US"],
    ["home_fax", "123-123-1234"],
    ["home_phone", "456-356-3564"],
    ["home_postal_code", "22102"],
    ["home_state_code", "VA"],
    ["last_name", "Registrant"],
    ["linkedin_url", ""],
    ["middle_name", "J"],
    ["mobile", "434-344-6543"],
    ["nickname", "Spence"],
    ["pager", "123-123-1234"],
    ["passport_country_code", "US"],
    ["passport_number", "187340987412"],
    ["prefix", "Mr."],
    ["primary_address_indicator", "W"],
    ["question_answer_1", "Medium"],
    ["question_code_1", "88888888-2222-2222-2222-121212121212"],
    ["reg_code", "REG"],
    ["source_id", "957463"],
    ["submit", ""],
    ["target", "Registration"],
    ["targetUrl", ""],
    ["title", "CEO"],
    ["twitter_url", ""],
    ["work_address1", "1203 King Street"],
    ["work_address2", "Floor 4"],
    ["work_address3", "Suite 1"],
    ["work_city", "Fredericton"],
    ["work_country", "CA"],
    ["work_fax", "143-565-4584"],
    ["work_phone", "753-168-3743"],
    ["work_postal_code", "E2A4X4"],
    ["work_state_code", "NB"]
Last updated on