REST Parameter | Required | Include as Best Practice | Description | Additional Comments | Sample Data | Xpath for XML Message |
UserName | Y | Username assigned by Cvent Passkey that has been granted API access. | reglinkapi | /CreateBridgeRQ/Security/Login/UserName | ||
Password | Y | Password associated with API Username. | passkey1 | /CreateBridgeRQ/Security/Login/Password | ||
PartnerID | Y | Unique ID which represents the Partner Profile or “Organization” in Cvent Passkey. | Assigned to all new partners at the time of setup in production. | 136260 | /CreateBridgeRQ/Security/PartnerID | |
Version | Y | Identifies the Event Connector API Message version used. | Each Event Connector API Message will contain a version. Please note the most current supported version may differ between message types. | 4.00.03 | /CreateBridgeRQ/Message/Version | |
Mode | Y | Communication Mode. Synchronous is the only mode supported for this API call. | Synchronous=S | S | /CreateBridgeRQ/Message/Mode | |
OP | Y | API Operation/Message Type | CreateBridgeHTTP | /CreateBridgeRQ/Message/OP | ||
Destination | Y | No redirect. A value of “02” must be used for all API calls. | 02 | N/A | ||
Locale | N | Attendee’s preferred locale/language | If an event is configured for multi-language support, this parameter allows the applicable attendee website to be invoked in the attendee’s preferred locale/language. The following locales are supported by Cvent Passkey allows the applicable attendee website to be invoked in the attendee’s preferred locale/language. The following locales are supported by Cvent Passkey: US English: EN_US CA English: EN_CA Deutsch: DE_DE Español(US): ES_DO Français (CA): FR_CA Français (FR): FR_FR Polski: PL_PL Português (BR): PT_BR Português (PT): PT_PT UK English: EN_GB ภาษาไทย (ไทย): TH_TH 中问(简体): ZH_CN 日本語 (にほんご): JA_JP 한국어: KO_KO | EN_US | /CreateBridgeRQ/Message/Locale | |
EventID | Y | This is a unique code for a specific event, for example the “6th Annual Widget Maker’s Convention” would have a single event ID. This can be found in Cvent Passkey under the Event Home -> Website -> Event Website -> View All URLs and exposed at the end of the website URL ”…EventID=####### | 146021 | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/TPA_Extensions/PK_Info/EventID | ||
EventCode | Y | This is a unique id which represents each Attendee Type within an Event. This can be used for General Attendees, VIP, Staff, etc. and can be found in Cvent Passkey under the Event Home -> Advanced Options -> Attendee Types. These codes are labeled as “Access Code” in the UI for each configured Attendee Type and typically formatted similar to “TMBATT041414” | RTEATT0117 | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/TPA_Extensions/PK_Info/AttendeeCode | ||
BlockID | N | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/TPA_Extensions/PK_Info/BlockID | ||||
HotelID | Y | |||||
ExtReferenceID | N | External Registration company record identifier (e.g., registration confirmation number) | ABC-123 | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/TPA_Extensions/PK_Info/ExtReferenceID | ||
LastName | Y | Attendee’s Last Name | Smith | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGuests/ResGuest/Profiles/ProfileInfo/Profile/Customer/PersonName/Surname | ||
MiddleInitial | N | Attendee’s Middle Name | P | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGuests/ResGuest/Profiles/ProfileInfo/Profile/Customer/PersonName/MiddleName | ||
FirstName | Y | Attendee’s First Name | Simon | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGuests/ResGuest/Profiles/ProfileInfo/Profile/Customer/PersonName/GivenName | ||
Title | N | Y | Attendee’s title | 1. Bishop 2. Brother 3. Dr. 4. Father 5. Frau 6. Herr 7. M. 8. Miss 9. Mlle. 10. Mme. 11. Mr. 12. Mrs. 13. Ms. 14. Prof. 15. Rabbi 16. Rep. 17. Rev. 18. Sister 19. Sr. 20. Sra. 21. Srta. | Mr. | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGuests/ResGuest/Profiles/ProfileInfo/Profile/Customer/PersonName/NameTitle |
Organization | N | Y | Attendee’s Company or Organization | Cvent Solutions, Inc. | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGuests/ResGuest/Profiles/ProfileInfo/Profile/CompanyInfo/CompanyName | |
Position | N | Y | Attendee’s professional title/position | Product Manager | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGuests/ResGuest/Profiles/ProfileInfo/Profile/Customer/EmployeeInfo | |
Address1 | N | Y | Attendee’s Address Line 1 | 221 Crescent Street | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGuests/ResGuest/Profiles/ProfileInfo/Profile/Customer/Address/AddressLine | |
Address2 | N | Attendee’s Address Line 2 | Building 17 | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGuests/ResGuest/Profiles/ProfileInfo/Profile/Customer/Address/AddressLine | ||
City | N | Y | Attendee’s City | Waltham | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGuests/ResGuest/Profiles/ProfileInfo/Profile/Customer/Address/CityName | |
State | N | Y | Attendee’s 2-letter State/Province code | MA | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGuests/ResGuest/Profiles/ProfileInfo/Profile/Customer/Address/StateProv | |
ZipCode | N | Y | Attendee’s Zip/Postal Code | 02453-123 | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGuests/ResGuest/Profiles/ProfileInfo/Profile/Customer/Address/PostalCode | |
CountryCode | N | Y | ISO 3166 2-letter code | US | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGuests/ResGuest/Profiles/ProfileInfo/Profile/Customer/Address/CountryName@Code | |
WorkPhone | N | Y | Attendee’s Work Phone Number | 781-373-4100 | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGuests/ResGuest/Profiles/ProfileInfo/Profile/Customer/Telephone[@PhoneTechType=“1”]/@ PhoneNumber | |
FaxNumber | N | Attendee’s Fax Number | 781-547-5414 | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGuests/ResGuest/Profiles/ProfileInfo/Profile/Customer/Telephone[@PhoneTechType=“3”]/@ PhoneNumber | ||
EmailAddress | N | Y | Attendee’s Email Address | | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGuests/ResGuest/Profiles/ProfileInfo/Profile/Customer/Email | |
ArrivalDate | N | Arrival date in format YYYY-MM-DD | Date from Training Sample Event | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGlobalInfo/TimeSpan/StartDateWindow@EarliestDate | ||
DepartureDate | N | Departure date in format YYYY-MM-DD | Date from Training Sample Event | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGlobalInfo/TimeSpan/StartDateWindow@LatestDate | ||
HowBooked | N | How the reservation was booked; numeric value between 100 and 105. | 100=Phone; 101=Internet; 102=Email Form; 103=Fax Form; 104=Mail Form; 105=Other | 101 | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/TPA_Extensions/PK_Info/HowBooked | |
ReceivedFrom | N | Text field available to track the origin of reservations created in Cvent Passkey | i.e. a Registration company name | A Reg Company, Inc. | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/TPA_Extensions/PK_Info/ReceivedFrom | |
SpecialRequests | N | Attendee Special Requests | Guest requests King Bed | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGuests/ResGuest/Profiles/ProfileInfo/Profile/PrefCollections/PrefCollection/HotelPref/SpecRequestPref | ||
PhysChall | N | Handicap Access Required Flag | 0=No; 1=Yes | 0 | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGuests/ResGuest/Profiles/ProfileInfo/Profile/PrefCollections/PrefCollection/HotelPref/PhysChallFeaturePref@PhysChallFeature | |
PaymentType | N | Type of Payment | Value: CC; other | CC | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/TPA_Extensions/PK_Info/PaymentType | |
Note: If PaymentType=CC, then complete the following three parameters with the prefix “CC” in them and skip the seven tags which are prefixed with “oPay”. Similarly, if PaymentType=other, then skip the four parameters prefixed with “CC” and complete the seven “oPay”-prefixed parameters. | ||||||
N/A | Y | VI=Visa, MC=MasterCard, AX=American Express, DC=Diners Club, Discover=DS | VI | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGlobalInfo/Guarantee/GuaranteesAccepted/GuaranteeAccepted/PaymentCard@CardCode | ||
N/A | Y | Credit card number; no spaces | 4444333322221111 | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGlobalInfo/Guarantee/GuaranteesAccepted/GuaranteeAccepted/PaymentCard@CardNumber | ||
N/A | Y | Credit Card Expiration Date | 1130 | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGlobalInfo/Guarantee/GuaranteesAccepted/GuaranteeAccepted/PaymentCard@ExpireDate | ||
oPayAmt | Y | Amount paid | 105.99 | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/TPA_Extensions/PK_Info/OtherPayment/OPayAmt@Amount | ||
oPayDate | Y | Payment date in format YYYY-MM-DD | 2013-07-18 | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/TPA_Extensions/PK_Info/OtherPayment/OPayDate | ||
oPayReferenceNum | Y | External Reference Number, if any. | ABC-123 | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/TPA_Extensions/PK_Info/OtherPayment/OPayReferenceNum | ||
oPayCheckNum | Y | Check number. | 6549 | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/TPA_Extensions/PK_Info/OtherPayment/OPayCheckNum | ||
oPayReceived | Y | Flag acknowledging whether payment was received; 0 = no, 1 = yes. | 1 | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/TPA_Extensions/PK_Info/OtherPayment/OPayReceived | ||
oPayComments | Y | Comments; use this parameter to signify “bill-to-master” | Attendee lodging charges being billed to master account | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/TPA_Extensions/PK_Info/OtherPayment/OPayComments | ||
oPayName | Y | Name of person on payment. | Credit Card Name | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/TPA_Extensions/PK_Info/OtherPayment/OPayName | ||
Note: Complete the following BillTo information regardless of payment type chosen above. | ||||||
BillToLastName | N | Bill to Last Name | Jones | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/TPA_Extensions/PK_Info/OtherPayment/OPayName | ||
BillToMI | N | Bill to Middle Name/Initial | M | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/TPA_Extensions/PK_Info/OtherPayment/OPayName | ||
BillToFirstName | N | Bill to First Name | Sam | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/TPA_Extensions/PK_Info/OtherPayment/OPayName | ||
BillToAddress1 | N | Bill to Address Line 1 | 123 Main Street | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/TPA_Extensions/PK_Info/OtherPayment/OBillAddress/AddressLine | ||
BillToAddress2 | N | Bill to Address Line 2 | Apt. 1 | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/TPA_Extensions/PK_Info/OtherPayment/OBillAddress/AddressLine | ||
BillToCity | N | Bill to City | Portsmouth | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/TPA_Extensions/PK_Info/OtherPayment/OBillAddress/CityName | ||
BillToState | N | 2-letter State/Province code | NH | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/TPA_Extensions/PK_Info/OtherPayment/OBillAddress/StateProv | ||
BillToZipCode | N | Bill to Postal/Zip Code | 03801 | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/TPA_Extensions/PK_Info/OtherPayment/OBillAddress/PostalCode | ||
BillToCountryCode | N | ISO 3166 2-letter code | US | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/TPA_Extensions/PK_Info/OtherPayment/OBillAddress/CountryName@Code | ||
BillToPhone | N | Bill to Phone Number | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/TPA_Extensions/PK_Info/BillPhone@PhoneNumber | |||
Additional Guests Note: A total of up to 9 guests may be sent using the parameter name and guest number conventions below | ||||||
LastName2 | Y | Last name of first additional guest. | White | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGuests/ResGuest[@ResGuestRPH=“2”]/Profiles/ProfileInfo/Profile/Customer/PersonName/Surname | ||
MiddleInitial2 | N | Middle initial of first additional guest. | G | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGuests/ResGuest ResGuest[@ResGuestRPH=“2”]/Profiles/ProfileInfo/Profile/Customer/PersonName/MiddleName | ||
FirstName2 | Y | Y | First name of first additional guest. | Betty | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGuests/ResGuest ResGuest[@ResGuestRPH=“2”]/Profiles/ProfileInfo/Profile/Customer/PersonName/GivenName | |
Title2 | N | Y | Title of first additional guest. | Ms. | ||
Position2 | N | Y | Position of first additional guest. | Analyst | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGuests/ResGuest ResGuest[@ResGuestRPH=“2”]/Profiles/ProfileInfo/Profile/Customer/EmployeeInfo | |
Organization2 | N | Y | Organization of first additional guest. | Cvent Solutions Inc. | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGuests/ResGuest ResGuest[@ResGuestRPH=“2”]/Profiles/ProfileInfo/Profile/CompanyInfo/CompanyName | |
Division2 | N | Name of division of first additional guest. | ||||
Address12 | N | Y | Address line 1 of additional guest. This is NOT address line 12. | 9 Jones Avenue | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGuests/ResGuest ResGuest[@ResGuestRPH=“2”]/Profiles/ProfileInfo/Profile/Customer/Address/AddressLine | |
Address22 | N | Address line 2 of additional guest. This is NOT address line 22. | Suite 18 | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGuests/ResGuest ResGuest[@ResGuestRPH=“2”]/Profiles/ProfileInfo/Profile/Customer/Address/AddressLine | ||
City2 | N | Y | City of first additional guest. | Kittery | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGuests/ResGuest ResGuest[@ResGuestRPH=“2”]/Profiles/ProfileInfo/Profile/Customer/Address/CityName | |
State2 | N | Y | 2-letter code; state abbreviation of additional guest. | ME | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGuests/ResGuest ResGuest[@ResGuestRPH=“2”]/Profiles/ProfileInfo/Profile/Customer/Address/StateProv | |
ZipCode2 | N | Y | Zip code of first additional guest. | 03905 | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGuests/ResGuest ResGuest[@ResGuestRPH=“2”]/Profiles/ProfileInfo/Profile/Customer/Address/PostalCode | |
CountryCode2 | N | Y | ISO 3166 2-letter code (e.g., US); country code for first additional guest. | US | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGuests/ResGuest ResGuest[@ResGuestRPH=“2”]/Profiles/ProfileInfo/Profile/Customer/Address/CountryName@Code | |
WorkPhone2 | N | Y | Work phone number of first additional guest | 603-555-1212 | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGuests/ResGuest ResGuest[@ResGuestRPH=“2”]/Profiles/ProfileInfo/Profile/Customer/Telephone[@PhoneTechType=“1”]/@ PhoneNumber | |
FaxNumber2 | N | Fax number of first additional guest | 603-555-1213 | /CreateBridgeRQ/Data/OTA_HotelResRQ/HotelReservations/HotelReservation/ResGuests/ResGuest ResGuest[@ResGuestRPH=“2”]/Profiles/ProfileInfo/Profile/Customer/Telephone[@PhoneTechType=“3”]/@ PhoneNumber |
Last updated on