Cvent Passkey’s RegLink Advanced is intended for use when the third party application controls all, or most aspects of the housing process. Remember, the customer licensing Cvent Passkey must also have a valid RegLink 2-Way license before these features can be enabled.

The third party application may utilize both browser-based and available web service calls to accomplish the desired experience for attendees. While there are certain mandatory steps with this type of RegLink integration, the number of steps utilized and the order in which they occur can vary widely based on the features used and the attendee experience desired.

As an example, an advance integration utilizing web services might result in the following process:

  1. An attendee reaches the registration site, authenticates themselves or creates a new login.

  2. Once inside the registration system, the user browses options for registration and then completes the event registration process.

  3. Based on the information gathered from the attendee and/or the use of UI features within the registration system, the system utilizes its own business logic to “fetch” housing availability Information. Depending on the complexity of the event, the specific availability results may apply to different attendee types.

  4. Based on the attendee selection, the housing choices are made and a message to create the reservation is sent to Cvent Passkey.

  5. The registration system can, at any time, send Cvent Passkey a Step 1: Create Attendee (Bridge Record) message containing guest information collected during the registration process and all other information needed to complete a housing reservation. Cvent Passkey returns a unique “Bridge ID” linking the information provided to Cvent Passkey to a specific registration. Once the bridge is created, the information sent to Cvent Passkey can be used to create a reservation at any time. This allows a reservation to be created immediately, or at a future time.

  6. Once a reservation is desired, a Step 2: Invoking Cvent Passkey Booking AWS message can be sent to automatically create a reservation based on the details sent in the “CreateBridge” message.

  7. If information for a particular attendee should change prior to a reservation being created, web service calls to modify or cancel an existing Bridge ID may be used if needed.

  8. Alternatively, the RegLink API supports the ability to send a “Create Reservation” directly without creating a Bridge Record. In these cases, the Cvent Passkey Acknowledgment Number should be used by the registration system to link the attendee’s housing reservation to their event registration record.

  9. Once a housing reservation exists, the registration system may retrieve the full details of the reservation using a “Get Reservation” message. Additionally, the registration system can modify or cancel reservations with “Modify Reservation” and “Cancel Reservation” web service calls respectively.

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