Developer DocumentationLegacy APISOAP APIObject DefinitionsOverview

Cvent’s SOAP API is being sunset. Use REST API instead.

The following objects are available:

API Core Objects

CvSearchObjectParent object of Cvent data objects. Used in Search method.
CvObjectParent object of Cvent data objects.

Cvent Objects

AdministrationUserRepresents an individual user within your account.
AdministrationMeetingRequestUserRepresents a specific meeting request user within your account.
AdministrationApproverRepresents a specific approver within your account.
AdministrationUserGroupRepresents a group of users within your account.
AdministrationUserRoleRepresents a specific user role within your account.
AdministrationMeetingRequestRepresents a meeting request within your account.
AdministrationConversionRateRepresents a currency conversion rate within an event.
AdministrationCustomFieldObjectRepresents a custom object in your account.
AdministrationAdvancedLogicRepresents advanced logic on a custom field.
AdministrationRateHistoryRepresents historical rates of venues received in an RFP.
ContactContactRepresents an individual associated with your account’s address book.
ContactContactGroupRepresents a group of contacts within your account.
EventEventRepresents an event associated with your account.
EventEventParametersRepresents the fields associated with an event.
EventEventDetailsRepresents the details associated with an event.
EventSessionRepresents a session within an event.
EventInviteeRepresents a specific invitee associated with an event.
EventRegistrationRepresents the registration details associated with a specific event invitee, including items registered for, like survey answers.
EventGuestRepresents a specific guest associated with an event.
EventEventEmailHistoryRepresents the email history details associated with a specific event invitee and a specific email.
EventTransactionRepresents a monetary transaction associated with a specific invitee/contact.
EventTravelRepresents the housing and travel details associated with a specific event invitee.
EventBudgetRepresents the overall budget for an event.
EventBudgetItemRepresents the items in an event budget.
EventEventQuestionRepresents questions in your event.
EventAppointmentRepresents an appointment within an event.
EventAppointmentAttendeeRepresents an attendee of an appointment.
EventSpeakerRepresents a speaker within an event.
EventTableAssignmentRepresents a table assignment within an event.
eMarketingCampaignRepresents the details associated with a campaign.
eMarketingDistributionListRepresents the details associated with a distribution list.
eMarketingEMarketingEmailHistoryRepresents email history in your eMarketing account.
RFPRFPRepresents the planner side RFP.
RFPProposalRepresents the planner side proposal.
RFPSupplierRepresents venue supplier.
RFPSupplierRFPRepresents the venue side supplier RFP.
RFPSupplierProposalRepresents the venue side supplier proposal.
RFPRFPParametersRepresents the RFP parameters.
SurveySurveyRepresents a survey associated with your account.
SurveyRespondentRepresents a specific respondent associated with a survey.
SurveyResponseRepresents answer details associated with a specific respondent.
SurveySurveyEmailHistoryRepresents email history details associated with a specific survey respondent and specific email.
SurveySurveyQuestionRepresents a questions within a survey.
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