This page contains answers to frequently asked questions for the migration.

How Can I Check My SOAP API Usage?

If you’re unsure if your account is using SOAP API, or at what volume, you can verify.

Login to Cvent. Go to the App Switcher App switcher icon and select Admin. In the left-hand navigation, select Integrations and SOAP API Usage.

Accessing SOAP API Usage in Admin

On this page, you can see all SOAP API usernames in your account.

  • Each Username represents an individual SOAP API credential that can be used to make calls to your account.
  • Calls Made Today show calls made in the last 24 hours.
  • Call Count Last Reset Date show recent SOAP API activity. Call counts are reset 24 hours after use. Any date there were calls, the count will reset. If Calls Made Today is 0, the Call Count Last Reset Date will help you estimate when the username was last used to make calls to your account.
  • Active column shows if this username can make calls, or is inactive.
List of SOAP API usernames

To get more detailed data on calls run by each username, select the dropdown next to a username and click Run Usage Report. You’ll be given a detailed report of calls made and the dates. You can adjust the dates of the report to include any 30-day period.

Detailed Usage Report
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