Having trouble with an App feature and need help troubleshooting? Debug mode serves as a useful tool for this process. Debug mode enables logging of any API calls made by the App to Cvent, making it easier to identify and resolve issues. This article explains how to toggle Debug mode and provides an example of the troubleshooting process.
Debug Mode
Debug mode, an App feature, makes troubleshooting easier. Debug mode enforces the logging of any API calls from the App to Cvent and vice-versa, allowing easier troubleshooting of issues. This includes logs that provide information and not just errors. Enable Debug mode only when troubleshooting the issue. Once the issue resolves, turn off Debug mode.
How To Enable/Disable
Go to Setup > Custom Settings. Click Manage for Environment Settings and create or edit the Default Organization Level Value and check the Debug box.

The system logs non-error messages in debug mode with Level = User and Severity = Information. For example:

Troubleshooting Process
Enable debug mode and repeat the flow that generated the error. You’ll now see a more detailed error.
Error before enabling debug mode: “You don’t have the privilege required to perform this operation.”

After enabling the debug mode and repeating the same workflow, the new error message shows more details.

In this example, the field HasOptedOutOfEmail for the Contact object isn’t accessible. To solve this problem, provide read access to this field.
Once you resolve the issue, try the process that generated the error again. If you resolved the problem, turn off debug mode.
Go to Setup > Custom Settings > click Manage for Environment Settings. Edit the Default Organization Level Value and clear the Debug checkbox.