What is RegLink
RegLink is a suite of open APIs which enables system integration between event registration and other systems and Cvent Passkey.
My planner does not want to have “hands on” involvement in the process - what do I do?
Our suggestion is that you get the technical contact information from the planner, email that person and suggest they review the benefits of leveraging RegLink API integration.
What are the benefits of RegLink?
Take a look at the learning pages to see all the benefits of RegLink.
Can Cvent Passkey connect to me online registration software?
The simple answer is Yes. Any registration or technology partner can implement an integration with Cvent Passkey using our RegLink API’s. However, the amount of time and effort needed to establish an integration varies widely from a few days to a few months based several factors including, complexity of the integration desired, resources to build the integration and the skill-levels of those resources. Alternatively, using one of our established Event Registration partners allows organizations to take advantage of integrated registration and hotel reservation flows immediately.
Can RegLink be used with an Excel-based registration system?
As Excel-based registration systems are not automated and are not typically managed online, they can not be used with RegLink. RegLink API’s allow registration systems to integrate with Passkey by pushing registration data to Cvent Passkey and in many cases, pulling hotel reservation data back into the registration platform.
Can RegLink be set up after event registration has opened?
RegLink may be used at any time during the event life cycle, however it works best if set up before the event is open. If RegLink is enabled after an event has started taking hotel reservations, all reservations made prior to this, will not be properly linked to their corresponding registration record within the registration platform. Passkey does provide the ability to manually link a hotel reservation to its corresponding registration record, but this can be a laborious process if required for a high number of orphaned records.
Can I use RegLink and have attendees book their housing first?
Currently, RegLink is optimized to pass attendees from event registration to housing. However, RegLink API’s can be leveraged in a way which could support a hotel first, registration second flow. This flow would require the use of additional API’s compared to the typical registration first flow and as such, some additional planning and development will likely be required. Please reach out to our team and one of our Integration Specialists can assist.
I would like to use RegLink for my next event, where do I start?
You are in the right place. Take look at the steps under Quick Start for Meeting Planners or Quick Start for Hotels/CVB.
Is there a cost to RegLink?
If you are working directly with a hotel which is licensed for Passkey, there is no cost and all features are included (1-Way and 2-Way). If you are working with a meeting planner or CVB/Destination, they will need to verify which license they have – either 1-Way or 2-Way. There is no cost to event registration or technology partners, however the Cvent Passkey event owner must license the RegLink API module in Passkey. If you have specific questions about the licensing status of RegLink for a particular event, please contact Passkey support here.
Is there a demo site I can use to walk my client through the RegLink process?
Yes, we have an integrated event registration and hotel reservation process demo using RegLink API’s. Please keep in mind that this demo follows a common and basic approach to registration integration with Cvent Passkey. The RegLink API provides numerous features which may be implemented to achieve a wide variety of solutions.
Please reach out to our team for a demo site.
Where do I get the codes?
The easiest way to get the codes needed by for an event registration partner is to contact the event owner in Passkey. If you have any questions please reach out to our support team here. Provide the event name, dates, and which system you need the codes for and you will receive a reply within 24 hours.