Developer DocumentationCvent Salesforce AppConfigure Nomination Settings

This article describes how to configure the nomination process in Salesforce. Use the Nomination process for events that require approval before sales users can send invitations or register contacts and leads. Sales users submit contacts as nomination requests, and specific approvers review these requests to accept or deny them. The process supports many levels of approvals and multiple approvers at each level.

Configuring Nomination Process

First, ensure that the user configuring the nomination process has all the necessary permissions. See App Roles and Permissions.

To configure a nomination process, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Salesforce and navigate to Cvent Admin. Go to the Nomination Process page.
  2. Click + Add Condition to start creating the process.
  3. Click + Create New.
  4. In the Nomination Process Filter modal, enter a name for your condition.
  5. Set the object, field, operator, and value for the condition, then click Save. You can add up to 10 conditions and choose between AND or OR logic.
  6. In the Then row, select the user, user group, record owner, or account owner as the approver.

You can reuse conditions in multiple approval levels.

  1. Set the object, field, operator, and value for the condition, then click Save. You can add up to 10 conditions and choose between AND or OR logic.
  2. In the Then row, pick the user, user group, record owner, or account owner as the approver.
picture of configuration in Salesforce
  1. Repeat the process for all the criteria you need. Keep in mind these limits:
    • Up to 5 levels of approvers can be defined.
    • Up to 50 approvers per level can be defined. Too many components might
      cause performance issues.

If a nomination request matches more than one condition in a single level, it goes to the approver of the first condition met.

  1. Click Save.

Optionally, you can add Nomination Request Fields, to provide supporting data for reviewers to see about the contact, lead, or event. The App includes these fields in the nomination request, so approvers have all the context they need to make a decision.

For nomination comments, you can add default text. These include instructions or examples. You can also decide whether comments need to follow each action: requests, approvals, or rejections.


If the Nominate option isn’t visible to users, refer to the Invitation and Registration Workflows page to determine if the feature applies your contacts/leads for a specific event.

Nomination Statuses

An attendee may have one of three nomination statuses:

  • Nomination Pending: Request submitted, but not fully reviewed yet.
  • Nomination Approved: All approvers accepted the request. The process has completed.
  • Nomination Denied: At least one approver rejected the request. The process has completed.

Email Notifications

Email notifications inform requesters and approvers about activity on nomination requests.

To set up email notifications for your nomination process, go to Cvent Admin and navigate to the Nomination Process tab. Find the “Nomination Notifications” section, where you can configure chat and email notifications according to your preferences. Remember, notifications for nomination requesters and approvers operate independently and require separate setup.

picture of configuration in Salesforce

The date and time selection for notifications depends on the time zone of the user configuring the settings. Once saved, the configuration applies to all new and non-completed existing nomination requests.

Note that digest emails include only the 50 most recent requests when using “Daily” or “Weekly” frequency. You can find the rest of the requests in the Cvent App itself.

Selecting “Daily” or “Weekly” frequency might cause delays in the nomination process if multiple approval levels exist. Each approver in the process receives an email notification no sooner than the next scheduled period.

Important: Salesforce might generate email notifications related to chatter activity, which the Cvent app can’t control. To customize this behavior, go to Settings > Chatter > email notifications.

picture of configuration in Salesforce

Emails From Salesforce Sandbox

If you don’t receive emails in the Salesforce Sandbox, select “All email” under your Sandbox’s deliverability settings. To configure email deliverability settings in the sandbox organization, go to Setup, enter Deliverability in the Quick Find box, then click Deliverability. Finally, set ‘Access to Send Email’ to ‘All email’.

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