The following are the fields associated with the SupplierProposal object and the properties of these fields.
Field Name | Type | Read-Only | Searchable |
RFPId | GUID | X | X |
RFPType | String | X | X |
RFPStatus | String | X | X |
RFPCode | String | X | X |
RFPName | String | X | X |
ProposalStatus | String | X | X |
ProposalSentDate | DateTime | X | |
Commissionable | Boolean | X | |
CommissionRate | Integer | X | |
CreatedDate | DateTime | X | |
CreatedBy | String | X | |
LastModifiedDate* | DateTime | X | |
LastModifiedBy | String | X | |
IncludeRebates | Boolean | X | |
Rebate | Integer | X | |
RebateType | String | X | |
RebatesIncentive | String | X | |
RoomRateConfirmed | Boolean | X | |
ConfirmationContigencies | String | X | |
YearlyIncrease | Integer | X | |
RoomRateInfo | String | X | |
UnionInfo | String | X | |
ContractorInfo | String | X | |
VenueInfo | |||
VenueName | String | X | |
VenueCode | String | X | |
VenueType | String | X | |
SourceId | String | X | |
EventInfo | |||
EventStartDate | DateTime | X | |
EventEndDate | DateTime | X | |
Availability | String | X | |
Currency | String | X | |
EstimatedTotalCost | Money | X | |
AdditionalInformation | String | X | |
AlternateStartDate1 | DateTime | X | |
AlternateEndDate1 | DateTime | X | |
AlternateSleepRoomRate1 | String | X | |
AlternateAdditionalInformation1 | String | X | |
AlternateStartDate2 | DateTime | X | |
AlternateEndDate2 | DateTime | X | |
AlternateSleepRoomRate2 | String | X | |
AlternateAdditionalInformation2 | String | X | |
ConcessionAdditionalInformation | |||
KeyContactInfo | |||
KeyContactFirstName | String | X | |
KeyContactLastName | String | X | |
KeyContactTitle | String | X | |
KeyContactEmailAddress | String | X | |
KeyContactPhone | String | X | |
KeyContactFax | String | X | |
KeyContactMobilePhone | String | X | |
KeyContactOrganization | String | X | |
KeyContactOrganizationWebsite | String | X | |
KeyContactAddress1 | String | X | |
KeyContactAddress2 | String | X | |
KeyContactAddress3 | String | X | |
KeyContactCity | String | X | |
KeyContactState | String | X | |
KeyContactStateCode | String | X | |
KeyContactPostalCode | String | X | |
KeyContactCountry | String | X | |
KeyContactCountryCode | String | X | |
KeyContactAdditionalInformation | String | X | |
SleepRoomInfo | |||
SleepRoomneedsMet | Boolean | X | |
SleepRoomNeedsMetAdditionalinfo | String | X | |
CheckInDate | DateTime | X | |
FeeAdditionalInformation | String | X | |
SleepRoomAvailabilityDetail | |||
DayNumber | Integer | X | |
Date | DateTime | X | |
AnyRoomQuantity | Integer | X | |
AnyRoomRate | Money | X | |
SingleRoomQuantity | Integer | X | |
SingleRoomRate | Money | X | |
DoubleRoomQuantity | Integer | X | |
DoubleRoomRate | Money | X | |
SuiteQuantity | Integer | X | |
StaffRoomRate | Money | X | |
EventSpace | |||
RoomName | String | X | |
RoomSize | Integer | X | |
CeilingHeight | Integer | X | |
TwentyFourHourHold | Boolean | X | |
MoveInDate | DateTime | X | |
MoveInRate | Money | X | |
MoveInRateType | String | X | |
MoveOutDate | DateTime | X | |
MoveOutRate | Money | X | |
MoveOutRateType | String | X | |
EventStartDate | DateTime | X | |
EventEndDate | DateTime | X | |
EventRate | Money | X | |
EventRateType | String | X | |
Note | String | X | |
AdditionalFeeDetail | |||
Category | String | X | |
Type | String | X | |
Value | Decimal | X | |
EventRequirementsInfo | |||
MeetingRoomNeedsMet | Boolean | X | |
MeetingRoomNeedsMetAdditionalInfo | String | X | |
TotalFoodAndBeverageMinimum | Money | X | |
FAndBMinimumNote | String | X | |
ApplicableTax | Integer | X | |
ServiceCharge | Integer | X | |
CostAdditionalInformation | String | X | |
AmenityAdditionalInformation | String | X | |
RoomSizeUnitOfMeasure | String | X | |
CeilingHeightUnitOfMeasure | String | X | |
ProposalEstimatedCostDetail | |||
Amount | Money | X | |
Quantity | Integer | X | |
Type | String | X | |
TaxOrServiceCharge | String | X | |
Note | String | X | |
AlternateSleepRoomAvailabilityDetails | |||
DateType | String | X | |
StartDate | DateTime | X | |
EndDate | DateTime | X | |
Availability | String | X | |
SleepRoomRate | String | X | |
AdditionalInformation | String | X | |
MeetingRoomAvailabilityDetail | |||
DayNumber | Integer | X | |
StartTime (include date) | DateTime | X | |
EndTime (include date) | DateTime | X | |
AgendaItem | String | X | |
AgendaItemType | String | X | |
SetupType | String | X | |
RoomName | String | X | |
RoomHeight | Decimal | X | |
RoomSize | Integer | X | |
NumberOfPeople | Integer | X | |
TwentyFourHourHold | Boolean | X | |
MeetingRoomAdditionalInfo | String | X | |
AttachmentDetail | |||
FileName | String | X | |
FileType | String | X | |
FileSize | Integer | X | |
UploadedDate | DateTime | X | |
FileURL | String | X | |
PackagePricing | |||
Date | DateTime | X | |
Package | String | X | |
Occupancy | String | X | |
RoomType | String | X | |
PricePerDay | Integer | X | |
PackagePricingNote | String | X | |
SurveyDetail | |||
QuestionId | String | X | |
QuestionType | Integer | X | |
QuestionText | String | X | |
Answer | |||
AnswerPart | String | X | |
AnswerColumn | String | X | |
AnswerText | String | X | |
AnswetOther | String | X | |
AnswerComment | String | X |
Used in GetUpdated Call
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