Developer DocumentationWebhooksJSON MessagesAttendee EmailsInvitee/Guest Email Opened

This article provides details on the ‘Invitee/Guest Email Opened’ integration point.


Throughout this document and the product, the term ‘Attendee’ is used interchangeably with ‘Invitee’.

JSON Message Structure

This is an example of the JSON message for this integration point. The data represents the attendee that opened the email.

  "eventType": "InviteeOrGuestEmailOpened",
  "messageTime": "2044-04-03T17:45:01.077Z",
  "messageStub": "97c19045-4fad-4f4c-ae6d-28ce9b5fd002",
  "message": [
      "contactStub": "03F196C4-4935-49E4-ABBC-6601D5150F20",
      "workStateCode": "",
      "contactSourceId": "",
      "isGuest": false,
      "prefix": "",
      "workZipcode": "",
      "contactType": "",
      "updatedDate": "2044-04-03",
      "workCity": "",
      "homeCity": "",
      "registrationDate": "2021-08-03",
      "profileImageUrl": "",
      "homeZipcode": "",
      "homeFax": "",
      "contactTypeStub": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "nickName": "",
      "homePhone": "",
      "workFax": "",
      "eventForInvitee": {
        "eventTitle": "Outdoor Convention",
        "eventLocation": "",
        "eventStartDate": "2044-08-18 18:00:00.0",
        "eventEndDate": "2044-08-17 22:00:00.0",
        "eventDescription": "",
        "eventCode": "4FNPVJNV5KJ",
        "eventPlannerFirstName": "Hannah",
        "eventPlannerLastName": "Morgan",
        "eventPlannerPrefix": "",
        "eventPlannerTitle": "",
        "eventPlannerCompany": "",
        "eventCustomFields": [
            "id": "F1E9E4CB-3B1B-4D1C-968F-3F6EB2A1499E",
            "name": "Type",
            "value": "Convention"
        "eventTimeZoneName": "Eastern Time"
      "workAddress1": "",
      "workAddress2": "",
      "firstName": "Bob",
      "workAddress3": "",
      "confirmationNumber": "",
      "mobilePhone": "",
      "responseMethod": "No Response",
      "registrationType": "",
      "eventStub": "4675BE2B-56BD-4EB6-BFC6-A42C98E13258",
      "orders": [],
      "designation": "",
      "admissionItemCode": "",
      "homeCountry": "",
      "lastName": "Joe",
      "eligibleCredits": "0.00",
      "gender": "",
      "customFields": [
          "id": "D4B3D52A-5E76-4540-9D77-433BC57E628F",
          "name": "Nickname",
          "value": ""
      "workCountry": "",
      "admissionItem": "Event Registration",
      "title": "",
      "homeStateCode": "",
      "referenceId": "",
      "optedOut": "no",
      "totalCredits": "0.00",
      "workState": "",
      "company": "",
      "participantStatus": true,
      "registrationPath": "Registration Path 1",
      "accountStub": "7F4E8204-028E-450A-94E3-BE870D7D05A5",
      "email": "",
      "ccEmail": "",
      "contactTypeCode": "",
      "visibleOnAttendeeList": 0,
      "fullName": "Bob Joe",
      "dateOfBirth": "",
      "homeState": "",
      "inviteeStub": "FA40FBB9-F7D5-4559-8D19-2D7B5A33E4B2",
      "invitationBy": "Planner-Invited",
      "admissionItemStub": "AA489CA6-45B9-439B-81BB-F370BF14526C",
      "homeAddress3": "",
      "homeAddress2": "",
      "unsubscribed": "no",
      "workCountryCode": "",
      "homeAddress1": "",
      "inviteeStatus": "No Response",
      "internalNote": "",
      "middleName": "",
      "workPhone": ""

Understanding the JSON Message

  • Arrays: The customFields, eventCustomFields arrays are dynamic; they changes over time as planners add or remove custom fields, and the attendee adds elements to their order.
  • Empty Fields: Fields appearing as empty ("") indicate no data is available for that field.
Last updated on