Developer DocumentationHTTP POSTHTTP POST Process for EventsOverview


This guide provides an overview of how to integrate your online systems with the Cvent event registration process using the HTTP POST method.


The Cvent HTTP POST process allows users to click a registration link or button within your system, which takes them to the appropriate step in the Cvent event registration process.

You can also complete this process using the advanced functions of Cvent’s API. For more information, contact Cvent sales at or call 866.318.4358.


Security is assured through an HTTPS connection with 256-bit encryption.

Understanding Key Terms

  • eCode: The eCode serves as the unique identifier for each Cvent event.
  • POST: POST represents an HTTP method that submits data for processing by an identified resource. The body of the request contains the data. This may create a new resource, update existing resources, or both.
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