
Use TransferInvitee to create or find an Invitee record associated for a specific contact and activity combination.

Basic Steps

  1. Determine the ID of the activity for which you want to transfer the invitee by calling the Search method.
  2. Determine the ID of the contact you want to transfer. For example, you can call the Search method to retrieve the existing contact’s ID. If the contact does not already exist within your address book, call the CreateContact method. If the contact already exists and you would like to update the contact’s record before transferring the invitee, call the UpdateContact method.
  3. Specify the ID of the TargetedList to associate the contacts (optional). Contacts get added to default TargetedList if none specified.
  4. Construct a CvObject array and populate it with the IDs of each contact you want to transfer.
  5. Optionally, specify the MessageId if you need to track the transfer result of each Contact object. Message IDs can represent unique identifiers from your system. Message IDs will be returned as Reference IDs in the result array for your tracking purposes.
  6. Make the TransferInvitee call.
  7. Redirect the invitee to the desired target Web link.

General Syntax

TransferInviteeResultArray = cventapi.TransferInvitee (ActivityType ActivityType, ID ActivityId, ID TargetedListId, CvObjectArray CvObjects)


ActivityTypeActivity TypeThe type of activity for which you want to create an Invitee record, Event, Campaign, or Survey.
ActivityIdIDThe ID of the activity for which you want to create an Invitee record.
TargetedListIdIDThe ID of the targeted list which you want to associate an invitee.
CvObjectsCvObject ArrayArray of one or more CvObject, which contains contacts IDs to be transferred, and optionally MessageIds which will be returned as ReferenceIds.


IdIDID of the invitee that you attempted to transfer. If this field contains a value, then the invitee was created or already exists for the given activity contact combination. If this field is empty, then the invitee could not be created or found and the Cvent Web service returned error information instead.
ReferenceIdIDThe MessageId value in the input CvObject.
SuccessBooleanIndicates whether the Create call succeeded (True) or not (False) for this object.
WeblinkDetailArrayWeblinkThis is an array of the valid Web links associated with the Invitee. Each Web link is made up of a Target (String) and a URL (string). Provided the transfer call was successful this array will be populated.
ErrorsError ArrayIf an error occurred during the Create call, an array of one or more Error objects providing the error code and description.
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