Developer Portal


Use ValidateInvitee to check whether an invitee is eligible to attend an event or a session.

Basic Steps

  1. Determine the type and ID of the product for which you want validate the invitee.
  2. Construct an array of InviteeIDs that need to be validated.
  3. Optionally, specify if you want to check if the invitee has made full payment for the product.
  4. Call ValidateInvitee, passing in the ProductID and array of InviteeIDs.
  5. Process the results in the ValidateInviteeResultArray to verify whether the answers have been successfully validated.

General Syntax

ValidateInviteeResultArray = cventapi.ValidateInvitee(ProductType, ProductID, CheckPaidInFull, CvObjectArray)


ProductTypeEnumerator type (Event/Session)Indicates type of product (event or session).
ProductIDIDIndicates the session or event for which an invitee is being checked.
CheckPaidInFullBooleanIf True, Cvent will check whether the invitee has made full payment for session or event. If False, payment information will not be checked.
CvObjectArrayCvObjectArrayArray of Invitee IDs that need to be checked.


ReferenceIdStringMessageId input.
InviteeIDIDID of invitee that was validated.
RegisteredBooleanIndicates whether the invitee has registered (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
PaidInFullBooleanIndicates whether the invitee has made full payment (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
CheckedInBooleanIndicates whether the invitee has been marked as participant (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
SuccessBooleanIndicates whether the action taken was successful (TRUE) or not (FALSE) for the object instance.
ErrorsError ArrayIf an error occurred when the action was taken, an array of one or more Error objects providing the error code and description.
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