Developer DocumentationWebhooksHow to Set Up Webhooks in Your Cvent Account

Webhooks are a useful tool to receive data from your Cvent account in real time. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to activate webhooks in your Cvent account.

Adding Webhooks in Admin

In this section, you’ll add your endpoint URL and authentication method to your account. For more information on the endpoint URL and the authentication, refer to the Technical Requirements.


To set up webhooks in Cvent, you must have a Cvent user login with full access to the “Account Integrations” administrative right. To enable webhooks in an event, you must have full access to the “Event & Survey Integrations” administrative right.

To add a webhook configuration:

  1. Log in to Cvent. In the top-right corner, select the App Switcher icon App switcher icon.
  2. In the left-hand navigation, select Integrations and Push API Integrations.
  3. Click Create Integration and enter a name for the configuration. In the Type dropdown, select Webhooks.
  4. Enter the SSL secured (HTTPS) URL of your default endpoint (also called listening URL). If necessary, you can add more endpoints after you’ve saved this configuration.
  5. Select your Authentication Method, either Token or Salesforce OAuth: a. If you are using an Authentication Token, enter a static authentication token that’s less than 150 characters. Your application will use this token every time Cvent pushes data. b. If you are using Salesforce OAuth, select it. See more on setting up Salesforce OAuth.
  6. Click Save.

You’ve added a webhooks configuration to your account.

Configuring Settings

Now you need to configure the rest of your webhook setup. Click Edit to get started.

Basic Information

Basic information contains core pieces of your webhook setup. You can alter the name here at any time, and decide if you want make the integration inactive.


Inactive integrations don’t fire webhooks. This is useful if you’re troubleshooting some issue and want to stop Cvent from sending messages.

Activate This Configuration

In this section you can decide if webhooks should be on in all your events, or not. This choice depends on your use case:

  • If you’re using webhooks in all events, turn it on. This saves your planners the time of frequently turning on webhooks in events.
  • If most of your events are not using webhooks, leave if off. Your planners can turn webhooks on in a case by case basis.
  • If you fall somewhere between, work with the users of your account to decide if its preferable to turn it on when needed, or off when needed.

Webhook Login

This section contains your default endpoint and authentication method details. You can edit this at any time.

Synced Objects

In this section, you can select which Cvent objects will have their data transferred to your endpoints by default. Select the objects you’re interested in receiving data about.


You only need one endpoint for webhooks, but you can add more if you want to send data to different URLs. To do this, save your current changes and navigate back down to this section. Click Add Endpoint and enter its details.

Don’t forget to start editing again if you want to change other aspects of your webhook configuration on this page.

Manual Syncing

Within an event or session, you can sync data manually rather than wait for a Cvent action to trigger a webhook message. If you have multiple endpoints, you can select where data is sent when a manual sync is performed.

Failed Sync Notification Settings

This section helps you set up email notifications for failed syncs between Cvent and webhooks. If any syncs fail, Cvent sends a notification to the appropriate people at your organization to ensure all issues are resolved quickly.

Select Yes to turn this on.

Notifications can be sent on an hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly basis. They’ll also include a list of the affected webhooks configurations and events and the date range in which the failed syncs occurred.


Recipients You can add the recipient or a list of recipients who will receive an email notification at a frequency defined above when a sync fails. Following options are available to add recipients:

  1. Email Address: You can add the email address of the user. One email address is allowed to add in one row.
  2. User: You can select the user from the account’s users list.
  3. User Group: You can select the user group from the account’s user groups list.

At least one recipient is mandatory to create a configuration. A maximum of 5 recipient rows can be added using the + Add Recipient button. If you add a recipient who meets the account level domain exclusions, the email notification will not be triggered to them.

Failed Sync Notification Email

When a sync fails, you will receive an email with the following details:

  1. Subject: Webhooks Failed Sync Notification
  2. Integration: Name of the integration (Webhooks)
  3. Configuration: Name of the webhooks configuration
  4. Date Range: Interval of date as per the frequency defined in configuration (in UTC)
  5. Contacts (Failed Syncs): Count of the contact failed syncs
  6. Events (Failed Syncs): Event title and count of failed syncs for that event. The email would only include a maximum of 10 event titles. You can view the ‘Webhooks Message History Report’ for more events and the details of these failed syncs.
Screenshot showing sample failed sync notification email

Adding Integration Points

An integration point is a specific trigger in Cvent that will send a webhook message. By default, your configuration will not have any integration points, meaning no data is transferred even if the connection is valid.

To add an integration point:

  1. Select Integration Points tab along the top.
  2. On the following screen, select Add Integration Point. You can find details on each integration point in the left navigation.

When you’re done, click Save.

You have now successfully set up webhooks in your Cvent account.

Further Reading

For details on turning webhooks on in an event, see event setup. For more detailed information on webhook message content, see the JSON messages section in the left navigation.

Last updated on